11 of the most beautiful in the world ... crabs!

Do you still eat crabs? Is it possible to deprive these handsome men of life?

Nature is a cunning inventor who constantly surprises and amazes us. Agree, there are so many beautiful things in the world that you can not even count.

But today we are talking about beings who have never attracted much attention, because they were ordinary and unremarkable. After all, it was originally conceived by nature. It's crabs. They mostly live in water and move around the bottom or anemones where they live. And their shell - strong and durable - protects them from predators. With the help of it, they deftly hide among the stones of the same color. But in our selection of nature decided to play a trick and radically change the color of the shell - and you know, it was learned simply smart!

1. The four-ring purse of a purse.

You look at him, and the eye rejoices!

2. Crab Harlequin.

Its coloring would be exactly suitable for circus performances.

3. Sally Lightfoot the Crab.

An amazing shell pattern with carved lines and interesting color transitions.

4. Hermit crab Halloween.

Not for nothing that this representative of the family of crustaceans is called "Halloween". Speaks for itself!

5. The crab is a ghost.

At first glance, the color of the shell seems completely inconspicuous, but it's conceived. At the right time, you can almost merge with the sand bottom.

6. Royal crab.

This is truly a royal person among all crustaceans. And it's not just the color of the shell. The main difference from their counterparts is the enormous size and bizarre needles on the body and claws. If such a thing "grabs you", then you will not be able to unhook yourself!

7. Iridescent crab.

No, you do not think that the color of the shell of this crab shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The back of the crab is bright blue or purple, the abdomen is white or light pink. Pincers are red.

8. Black crab.

Another amazing creation of nature is a red crab with a black back. There are also individuals with black claws. The black mark looks like a pirate tag.

9. Crab climbing purple-armed.

If you saw this crab in reality, you would be instantly subdued by its coloring. Believe me, you never saw such a violet shade!

10. Blue-striped porcelain crab.

But this representative of crustaceans is a real work. It is very difficult to meet such color in nature. Just look at this amazing indigo color!

11. Crab is an anemic.

The unusual color of this crab is that it is "tiger" or spotted, which helps him to disguise himself in anemone thickets. Well, is not it a miracle?