Suede Gloves

Gloves should not only warm your hands, but also complement the image, make it complete. Women quite often choose gloves from suede, as they easily fit into the wardrobe, look beautiful and elegant.

How to choose women's suede gloves?

To make this accessory bring only joy from socks and served for a long time, so that you feel comfortable in it, when choosing it is worth following the following rules:

  1. Draw a hand over the material: the pile should be velvety, but not too noticeable.
  2. Painted suede gloves should be evenly - without streaks and scuffs.
  3. Pay attention to the removal of the lining - it's better if it is made of any natural fabric with a little addition of synthetics. This will allow the hands not to sweat, and the lining itself - not to tear and not to deform under tension. Especially this advice applies to long suede gloves.
  4. Avoid buying if the seams on the suede or lining are too rough.
  5. Give preference to gloves without decorative elements, if you want to wear them for a long time. In this case, do not buy an accessory made of pieces.
  6. If one of the pairs has unsuccessfully sat down, measure the same second - sometimes unsuccessful sewing spoils standard patterns.
  7. When choosing fashionable gloves , think about what you will wear them. For example, long suede gloves will look good with a coat with a sleeve three quarters or flared. High suede gloves will also look extraordinarily stylish with a fur coat.

How to care for suede gloves?

Suede gloves are so beautiful, so much and whimsical in care. They can be rubbed, kinks, and dirt. But only with improper operation. The basic rules: to dry an accessory it is necessary only at a room temperature, to wash out stains and to erase - on hands, to use exclusively special means on care of suede.