Exudative diathesis

Exudative diathesis is a predisposition of the organism due to many factors to various reactions of an allergic nature that develop in response to bacterial, food, medicamentous stimuli. In children, exudative diathesis is manifested by damage to the skin, as well as mucous membranes.

When and how does it manifest itself?

The first manifestations of exudative diathesis, as a rule, are observed in infants, at the age of 2-3 months, and the first time they saw it, a young mother does not know what it is. Such children are mostly pasty, have a reduced skin turgor , and are usually phlegmatic.

The affected skin has diaper rash and is often covered with crust. Localization can be very different: the scalp, cheeks, eyebrows. Lymph nodes increase in this case.

Such children are prone to frequent bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, inflammatory diseases. Also, an unstable stool is often observed. As a rule, by 3-5 years, the symptoms of exudative diathesis are weakened.

Features of care and treatment

For children suffering from exudative, catarrhal diathesis, the correct mode of the day plays a very important role in treatment, as well as a long stay in the open air combined with a full-fledged diet. Thus, when compiling the menu, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of the child to those or other ingredients.

During breast-feeding, in order to exclude the development of diathesis, it is necessary to limit the women's nutrition to sweet, spicy, smoked and salted, as well as fried.

When introducing the first complementary food into the diet, it is necessary to take into account the fact that cow's milk, or more precisely the protein contained in it, can only intensify the rash. Therefore, it is better to give the baby lactic acid foods.

In older children, the diet should contain a variety of foods, except for those that exacerbate the disease.

For prevention, vitamin A, C and B are systematically prescribed. During an exacerbation, antihistamines may be used in children for treatment of exudative diathesis, including Diazolin, Dimedrol, Diprazin, Suprastin, and others. Due to the fact that histamine preparations have a rapid development of addiction to them, they are replaced after 10-12 days of admission.

For the treatment of diaper rash and rash, the following mixture is used: 20 g of boric acid, 1 g of salicylic acid and in them talc is added up to 100 g. You can also lubricate the affected areas with oil.

To treat the disease outside the phase of exacerbation, hormonal ointments are also used in clinical practice. Assign them to older children and apply no more than 14 days.

Often, when an exudative diathesis occurs, the timing of the vaccination also shifts. It is carried out after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, and in case of acute necessity only with desensitizing therapy.


To prevent the development of exudative diathesis, mom should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the baby's skin. Also for the prevention of recurrence of exudative diathesis it is necessary to observe the regime of hygienic baths with tannins (alternating, chamomile). In the acute period, the conduct of such physiotherapy is contraindicated.

In the summer, air baths help a lot. It is necessary to avoid the scorching sun.

Compliance with all of the above rules will help prevent the development of a complex disease such as exudative diathesis, which has been treated for a long time and takes a lot of energy from my mother.