Which fish is the most fatty?

Despite the fact that eating fatty foods is harmful, the benefits of oily fish for the normal life of our body is undeniable. As a rule, such fish species live in the cold northern seas, so the composition of their fat is special. The plastic unsaturated fatty acids, of which it is made, do not turn into crystals at low temperatures, they remain in a form optimal for consumption, saturated with useful substances. Therefore, it is very important to know which fish are considered oily and include it in your diet.

The Fattest Fish in the World

If you are wondering which fish are the most fat, then the answer to this question you are most likely to be surprised. It's a golomyanka that lives in Lake Baikal. There are two kinds of this fish: small and large. Regardless of the species, the body is almost 40% fat, and as for the sizes, the small golomyanka can reach a length of 15 cm and a large one - 25 cm. In the water, it is almost invisible, since her body due to the large content fat is transparent. This fish prefers a single existence and is the only viviparous in our latitudes. If you try to cook such a very fat fish, then in addition to the full skillet of fat in which the skeleton will float, you will get nothing. Golomyanka is not a commercial species. In animal husbandry when fattening livestock, it was also not used, but in the ecotope its importance is great - this fish feeds mainly the inhabitants of Baikal.

Which red fish is the most fatty?

The most fatty varieties of red fish are all representatives of salmonids. Depending on the season, the fat content in them is from 10% to 20%. The most popular salmon and trout, the meat of which, pleasant and delicate in taste, is devoid of small bones.

Salmon not only boasts a high concentration of omega-3 , but also its ideal ratio with omega-6. Such a unique balance of fatty acids, in addition to this fish, can only boast of walnuts and flaxseed. With its regular use in food, you can avoid the appearance of thrombophlebitis, normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and liver, improve metabolism and circulation, strengthen immunity, arteries. Salmon can be fried in a frying pan in breading and marinade, smoked, salted, smoked, cooked with her salted pancakes, pancakes and other dishes. However, the best option is to bake this fish on a grill or in foil or eat it slightly salted. The meat is very delicate and delicious.

There are several types of trout: sea, rainbow and freshwater, rainbow and sea. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and fatty acids, which makes it a very valuable food. Perfectly combines this type of fish with cream sauce, lemon and lime.

Useful properties of oily fish

Of the more accessible and common types of fatty fish, one can call the familiar northern herring , which has a delicious white meat. In any fatty fish, high-grade proteins are larger than in animal meat. By including in your diet of fatty fish, you can significantly reduce the risk of death from heart disease. One serving of such fish per week will prevent the occurrence of a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. For the elderly, the benefit of fatty fish is difficult to overestimate, because it can prolong life for several years. Oily fish is a good anti-inflammatory agent for the heart and brain. In addition, as a result of research, scientists have found that the substances contained in fatty fish affect the sexual function of the male body in a positive way.