Moss in the house - how to withdraw?

Surely, you had to face at least once the problem of the appearance of small gnats in the house. The phenomenon, frankly, is unpleasant and requires an immediate solution to the issue of how to withdraw house gnats.

How to get rid of midges at home?

Trying to solve the problem of how to remove Simuliidae, first of all, make it clear that they (mosquitoes) appear in the house only if there are favorable conditions - dampness or decaying products. Therefore, the first step in fighting the midwife is to eliminate the breeding ground. What should be done for this? First, revise all products (especially apples, pears, watermelons, potatoes, open jars with jam) and discard those that have already deteriorated. Secondly, we inspect possible raw sites - a bathroom, a cellar - and eliminate dampness by airing (as an option - use a heat fan). Another place that can serve as a source of the appearance of midges in the house is the flower pots. It is in wet soil midge lay eggs. In this case, you can recommend the use of special products that can be purchased at specialized stores selling garden supplies and plant protection products. And as a prevention of the appearance of midges again, it is recommended to water flowers at least once a month with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Having eliminated possible foci of reproduction of Simuliidae, care must be taken to destroy already multiplying individuals. And here there is quite a legitimate question - how can you withdraw the midges?

Means of fighting against gnats

Currently, in retail outlets specializing in the sale of chemical protection products, there is a wide selection of different ways to combat flying insects (it's flying, pay attention to it!). You can be offered various aerosols or fumigators with a special liquid. And in cases where the use of chemicals is dangerous (for example, in the home of small children or domestic animals), it may be recommended to make a trap for gnats alone. To do this in a plastic cup as a bait, place a piece of apple, banana or a little jam. At the top, cover the glass with a strip of wide adhesive tape with a sticky side inside the cup. With a shilom, a needle or a thick needle, make a few holes in the scotch - the trap is ready. Putting it (the trap) in the place where the midge accumulates, you will quickly get rid of these unpleasant insects in such a simple and safe way.