Suggestion for success

All around us live and enjoy life. "The neighbor has once again replaced the car, the former classmate is happy in the marriage, the employee goes to rest on the most expensive resorts." But do I ever get sick? "- do you often get such thoughts? If the answer is positive, then the problem does exist and it must be fought with. But most likely it is not a permanent lack of money, an eternally busy husband or children - buggers, but in yourself. In order to change your life you need to change your self-awareness.

Methods of auto-suggestion for success

  1. Of course, starting a new life is necessary with something pleasant. Therefore, pour yourself a cup of your favorite, invigorating coffee, take a pen, a sheet of paper and, recording 10 minutes, record all your good qualities. Can not remember? Well, how, and the dog fed by you, did not you feed her from your inner kindness? Or your dedication: how did you work, when two more people claimed to be your new position, you all of them were stuck in the belt. For sure, pondering, remember a lot of their positive features, which are completely forgotten. Self-expression of a person works wonders, so read the recorded positive characteristic several times and realize that there is more good in you than bad.
  2. Think about what it means for you to be successful. Maybe this is an ideal family, or prosperity in the house, and maybe both. Now let's start the drawing lesson. On a large sheet of paper, draw your dream. Let it be bright and colorful: a new car, rest under a palm tree, a loving husband and children. Do not know how to draw? Do not worry, cut out colorful dreams from magazines and glue them on a sheet. We glue a collage with your dream to the most prominent place and Every morning we admire him and strive to achieve his dream.
  3. The next method is a spell. Carefully choose phrases for autosuggestion. It does not have to be, everyone's familiar words: "I'm the most charming ..." Think up something of your own. You in fact have found at yourself with ten positive features, here and utter them. Do the same with your dreams collected on a sheet of paper, say them: "I want a new car and by the end of the year I will definitely earn it, etc.

Repeat these spells every day and very soon your positive self-hypnosis will bear fruit. But remember one most important rule in achieving your goals, you do not want to do much - you have to do it. No positive attitude will help you change your life for the better, until it is backed up by actions.