Beloperone - details of caring for a house plant

Beloperone - a flower that can decorate any room. There are different types, which differ from each other by external signs. In the care of a plant unpretentious, the main thing is to know the main features and no problems should arise.

Flower Beloperone - description

The native land of this plant is considered tropical and subtropical America. Since the Greek language, the title is translated as "the point of an arrow," but it is also called Jacobinia justice. The main characteristics of the flower include the following:

  1. The plant can be found in nature and in height it reaches 80-100 cm.
  2. Room flower justice has bare or lowered shoots. Its leaves are large and reach a length of 3 to 8 cm. The leaf plate can be lanceolate or ovate.
  3. The flowers are axillary, and they can grow both alone and in the inflorescence of the semi-zonotics. In length they reach 15-20 cm. Their color can be different and it all depends on the type of white powder.
  4. If you organize the right care, then flowering can take place all year round.

Beloperone - varieties

In nature, there are many types of justice and according to various sources, which are offered by botanists, from 30 to 60 pieces. They all come from America and are found in the wild, but they are easy to grow at home. Indoor flower beloperone can have flowers of orange, yellow, pink and other colors. Everything depends on the chosen variety, while the care is identical.

Variegatnaya Beloperone

This plant has a semi-shrub form, that is, its lower part of the shoots is rusty and can be preserved in winter for many years, and the upper one is grassy. In the plant, the altitude in most cases is 80 cm. Its thin shoots are perfectly and abundantly branching. Leaf plates have a slight hair follicle, and their shape is oval with an acute point toward the apex. If you follow all the rules of care, then the plant will blossom all year round.

Belaperone guttata

This version also has other names - a drop and a Mexican beauty. It is clear that the motherland of this species is Mexico. It grows in the wild at an altitude of about 1200 m above sea level. Indoor plants of white gerutata reach a height of up to one meter. Their leaves are always green, oval or ovoid in shape. They are not only below, but also have short hairs on top. It is worth noting a good branch. Color they vary from yellow to red.

Beloperone scotch

The native land of this species is Brazil and it is preferable to grow it outdoors in a warm time. Of great importance for this variety is moisture. If you create favorable conditions for it, then its height will be 130-150 cm. In the flower of justice, the leaves are painted in emerald and dark green color with a light glossy luster. It should be noted abundant flowering, which can last 9-10 months. in the year. Beloperone plumbagolevaya has flowers dyed in a rich purple color, and inflorescences appear wider in comparison with other species.

Beloperone - care at home

In order for the plant to grow beautiful and often bloom, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions for it.

  1. Lighting. This flower needs bright diffuse light, but in the morning or at sunset you can substitute a pot under the sun. It is best to put a white liner on the south or south-east window sill. In winter, you can use fluorescent lighting.
  2. Temperature. In the spring / summer period, the temperature should be moderate and be 18-20 degrees, and in the other two seasons, the value should be lowered to 12-16 degrees. If this does not happen, the leaves will be showered.
  3. Watering. For proper care at home, a white-feather flower should be watered abundantly during warm weather, but do not do this often, letting the soil dry. In winter and autumn, watering is carried out after drying only the top layer.
  4. Spraying. Beloperone needs a moist environment, so you need to periodically spray. It is recommended to put the pot in a tray with wet peat.
  5. Top dressing. Use the full range of fertilizers. The procedure should be 2 times a month in the spring / summer and 2-3 times in three months fall / winter. If the air temperature is more than 18 degrees, then you need to feed the flower once a month.
  6. Transfer. The procedure is carried out if the roots no longer fit in the pot. Young plants are transplanted once a year. It is recommended to use such an earth mixture: 2 parts of leaf and turf soil, 1 part peat and humus and the same amount of sand. It is also recommended to pour in bone meal.

Beloperone - reproduction

To grow a new plant, you can use two options:

  1. With the help of seeds. Sowing should be carried out at the end of winter or early spring. It is necessary to use a substrate from sheet earth or sand. To accurately get the result, it is best to make a small greenhouse with a lower heating. The air temperature should be 20-22 degrees. Shoots dive into a substrate of leaf or turf ground and sand. It is necessary to pinch the tops to strengthen growth and branching.
  2. With the help of cuttings. Many flower lovers, deciding how to multiply the white perrier, stop on this option. Cuttings should be done from January to August. For reproduction, one-year shoots 10-15 cm long should be used, on which there are two leaves. They are placed in a mixture of peat and sand, and cover the top with a glass cap. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use the lower heating and to handle the cuttings by growth stimulants. Roots are formed after 2-3 weeks, and then they should be transplanted into the mixture, combining in equal proportions leaf, humus and peat land. When the white perone grows, its top is better to pinch.

Beloperone - crown formation

Since the flower is fast-growing, it is necessary to periodically cut the plant. This is important in order to achieve a good bud formation and to form a beautiful crown. Pruning a white periper should be done in the spring and it is necessary to cut off for half the length of the branches, or even 2/3. After that, it is necessary to feed up with mineral fertilizers. Cropped branches can be used as cuttings for reproduction.

For the formation of a high-growth white-legged plant, it is necessary to remove all the lower lateral branches with growth, and the bare trunk should be attached to the support. When the desired height is reached, it is important to pinch off the top. In addition, it is necessary to leave several lateral shoots, but they should also be periodically pinched, otherwise the beautiful crown will not form.