How to become a copywriter?

So, one fine morning you decided to become a copywriter as soon as possible, what should I do for this? To begin to determine the place of work, because writing articles for online publications and work in a large company as copywriters will be significantly different. In the first case, emphasis will be placed on the informative nature of the text and the ability to make it interesting for search engines. The second case usually involves working on promotional texts. If you choose this way, then explanations are hardly needed, since you know how to sell, then it is not difficult to offer yourself to the employer.

How to become a copywriter on the Internet from scratch?

Work copywriter involves writing quality texts on topics that are interesting to the audience of the site with which you plan to cooperate. Perhaps you need to include in the text "keys", phrases that will help search engines lead readers to the site. In addition, all your work must be unique, this fact is checked using special programs or online services. Most often used is Advego Plagiatus, Etxt or If you are going to copy a piece from the Internet when writing an article, the service will certainly show it. Also, do not take one article on your topic and just rewrite it in other words, programs can recognize such frank rewriting that it is unlikely to please the customer, since he pays for quite a different quality of the text. How then to become a good copywriter, if there are so many difficulties on the way?

  1. Think about which topic is interesting and understandable for you. It is important to observe both points. For example, you are attracted to nuclear physics, but there is no understanding of what nuclei are said there, to argue in this case about this problem will be extremely difficult. Another example: you are an excellent accountant, remember the chart of accounts by heart, but this topic is so boring for you that writing each sentence will be infernal. The ideal option is a hobby , you can write culinary articles, give master classes to needlewomen, talk about the secrets of photography or share the experience of organizing family holidays for children. Even if your hobby seems exotic for women (mountaineering, football, astronomy), try to find those who will be interested in your stories. The author's view of the problem is always more valuable than the next criticism for another article, which was written when, it is unclear who.
  2. When the sphere of interest is clear, find any topic and write an article, just for yourself. Rest 30 minutes and go back to the written, read and think how interesting you were to do it, be honest with yourself. If the text seemed unbearably boring, then you have to work on your style. Important is your literacy, make 100 mistakes in the word fifty and do not understand why you need commas? Run to the textbook of the Russian language, because you will not be able to correct your endless mistakes. Of course, you can hope for Word, but the proofreading will then take a very long time, besides this method is not perfect, even if there are no annoying red and green underlines, errors can still be present.
  3. If you managed to write an interesting, literate text, it's time to show yourself to the world. Do this with the help of copywriting exchanges, register, fill out a profile and offer your services. Try to find an order on several exchanges at once. Do not expect the first time to pay high wages, but it's also not worth working for free. Most likely, you will be offered to perform a test task (paid), if the quality of work is satisfied, the cooperation will take place. In order to receive money from customers, you will need to acquire an electronic wallet, most often Yandex.Money, Webmoney , etc.
  4. When you take an order, do not hesitate to ask questions about how to behave with "keys", what program to use for verification and what percentage of uniqueness is needed. Do not hesitate to be ignorant of any aspects of the work, all the necessary information is easily found through Google. Also, do not immediately take a few orders, because the necessary confidence and understanding of their own forces will appear only after the first order. When you know how many signs without a space (in such units you measure your work) you can take in a day, then you will be able to plan your time competently.

After completing all the above items, the recipe how to become a successful copywriter on the Internet will only reduce to the need to work hard and remember to follow the rules of the Russian language, which periodically change.