Swelling under the eyes - how to get rid?

If a woman does not get enough sleep, has bad habits or consumes a lot of fluids before bed, in the morning it always reflects on the face. In such cases, pronounced swelling under the eyes is formed - how to get rid of them in the shortest time, almost all cosmetologists know. It's time for women themselves to learn effective ways to eliminate "bags" and signs of fatigue.

How quickly to get rid of edemas and "bags" under the eyes?

An unusual but effective express version of removing eyelid swelling is applying any local drug with heparin . Suitable and the usual heparin ointment, and other medicines based on this active ingredient, including even remedies for hemorrhoids.

It is enough to rub a very small amount of the chosen medication, and in 15-30 minutes the swelling will begin to subside. At the same time, the severity of "bruises" under the eyes decreases, and the face becomes more fresh and rested.

It is important to note that the presented method can be used only in emergency situations, when you need to quickly recover to normal. Some movie stars use this technique before filming, but not more often 1-2 times a week.

How to get rid of permanent swelling under the eyes in the morning?

If the "bags" - a familiar phenomenon, you should find the cause of their formation. There are a lot of factors provoking puffiness:

After eliminating the source of the problem, its symptoms will also disappear.

You can temporarily get rid of puffiness, using cosmetic products, for example, creams with collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, coffee and similar ingredients.

It's also a good idea to use a piece of ice to wipe it. Cosmetologists advise to freeze not simple water, but mineral water or green tea, herbal infusions (horsetail, parsley, sage, chamomile).

Additionally, eye compresses are recommended from the following products:

How to get rid of very large edema under the eyes at home?

Strong "bags" to remove yourself will not work. You can reduce their size and volume, but really noticeable results will help to reach only specialists.

To begin with, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of puffiness by contacting the appropriate doctor. After this, it is advisable to make eyelid lift ( blepharoplasty ).