Fistula on the gum - treatment

Due to improper treatment of the tooth, a person may have a fistula - an inflammation manifested on the gums in the form of a bag of fluid (pus and blood). This is the main sign that the tooth has developed inflammation and infection, and the fistula itself is nothing but a purulent canal through which the body gets rid of toxins.

Fistula on the gum - symptoms

You can identify the fistula yourself, but the final diagnosis is made in the dental office after a doctor's examination and radiography.

  1. Evaluation of sensations. First of all, the fistula is determined by the sensations: if you feel that the gum is swollen and enlarged, and you also feel pain in this area, if the tooth in this gum wobbles and when pain occurs, it is probably a purulent inflammation. However, one must take into account that the presence of pain and tooth movement may not be observed.
  2. Evaluation with visual inspection. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap, wipe them with alcohol, and standing in front of a mirror in a room with good lighting, see how the fistula looks on the gum: it is often a small tubercle with a whitish center, like a capsule.

External examination of the inflamed place of the house and in stomatology allows to establish, fistula it or not. But only with the help of an X-ray can you find out what the extent of this inflammation is, therefore, if the doctor starts treatment without a picture, you need to be wary of his services.

What is dangerous fistula on the gum?

A purulent fistula on the gums can lead to tooth loss, gum destruction, and in the worst case, the fistula sprouts through the cheek, hitting the soft tissues of the face. If the fistula is not treated, then in addition to these complications, osteomyelitis may occur.

The severity of the fistula on the gum is determined by the time that the patient loses, postponing treatment. If you immediately go to a doctor, then this inflammation can be cured within a week, taking off a sharp form after 2-3 days.

The causes of fistula on the gum

Before curing a fistula on the gums, one must understand that the cause of the purulent process lies in inflammation and infection. Measures aimed at external disinfection of the fistula are ineffective, because the inflammatory process occurs deep in the tissues, and surface treatment, if it does, results only for a while.

  1. Most often, the cause of the fistula is the inflammation of the periosteum or the wrong treatment of this disease.
  2. Also, a fistula can appear due to a delay in the eruption of a wisdom tooth.
  3. An incorrect treatment of the carious tooth also leads to the formation of a fistula.
  4. In more rare cases, a fistula arises from the inflammation of the gum cyst.

How to treat a fistula on the gum?

The first thing to do if you suspect a fistula on the gum is to go to the doctor immediately and take a radiograph.

  1. Cleansing of the tooth canal. If it turns out that the fistula in the tooth's gum arose because of periodonitis, the doctor will direct the measures to his treatment: he will open the dental canal and cleanse it of necrotic tissues. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After that, he will impose a special therapeutic paste, and perhaps, prescribe a course of physiotherapy procedures. When they are passed, the channel is sealed.
  2. Drug treatment. At this stage, the intake of antibiotics, and possibly antihistamines, begins. As antibiotics, gentamicin or analogues of 2 ampoules are used intramuscularly for a week. As anti-histamine drugs prescribe suprastin or cetrine. With severe pain, analgesics are prescribed (eg ketorol).
  3. Local treatment. Treatment with antibiotics helps to get rid of bacteria, however, it will not be superfluous for several days to treat the oral cavity with antibacterial agents: furacilin, hydrogen peroxide, infusion of chamomile, yarrow and calendula.