Wrinkle filler

Most representatives of the strong half are the appearance of small wrinkles and gray hair , and only some try to hide them. But many women, on the contrary, in different ways affect their appearance. Even the smallest defects on the skin - whether it's specks or very inconspicuous wrinkles - are the cause for a bad mood and a multitude of complexes. Women are looking for new ways to combat the first signs of aging . And one of them are wrinkle fillers - creams and gels that can smooth the skin. They seem to push small cavities from within.

Fillers of wrinkles - fillers

Fillers are cosmetic products that can even out the skin. There are two types of drugs:

There are many wrinkle correctors on the market, the main of which are:

Wrinkle filler for eye and lip contours

Many of these drugs have a general "rejuvenating" effect, but there are also specially directed ones. So, for example, the most used to reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes and lips are:

Wrinkle Filling Cream

Creams of this segment from various manufacturers have a different composition. Basically, they speed up the renewal of the skin. The main representatives are: