Sylvester Stallone sees a ghost

Sage Stallone, the son of a famous actor, died in 2012 at the age of 36. The cause of his death was atherosclerotic lesion of the coronary arteries. At that time the young man was engaged and was preparing for the wedding. It is worth mentioning that he often played with his father in films. So, in the film "Rocky-5" he played the son of a boxer.

According to Stallone, for three years already, the ghost of his son is him. The actor did not immediately decide on this step, but turned to the famous Indian astrologer Pratika Mishrapuri.

The Sraddha ritual

Sylvester had already been acquainted with an astrologer, thanks to Nicole Kidman, who had more than once attended. Insiders argue that at the time of the meeting between Pratika and the actor, the latter was very worried and was agitated. He kept asking if he could talk to his son, to which the astrologer replied that this was possible with the ritual "shraddha," but it must be remembered that this is very painful for the soul of the deceased. It must be carried out on certain days of the sacred calendar. So, the actor was assigned the exact date when he should arrive in the Indian city of Haridwar.

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To date, it became known that for no apparent reason, Stallone did not appear at the appointed time in the designated place, but his half-brother Michael went instead. Let's hope that in the near future the star of the movie "Rocky" will comment on this.