Teeth whitening folk remedies

Everyone wants his teeth to be healthy and beautiful. After all, the health and whiteness of teeth depends on the beauty of a person's smile. And we have to smile often - and friends, and colleagues at work, and partners, and loved ones. Therefore, the condition of the teeth should be taken care of regularly.

To date, there are different methods of teeth whitening. To achieve a sparkling smile it is possible with the help of special toothpastes, lotions for mouth rinsing, and also, at reception at the stomatologist. Nevertheless, in addition to modern means, people continue to use popular methods of teeth whitening. Whitening teeth with folk remedies allows you to save money and achieve a good result, because these methods are tested for many generations.

So, how to whiten your teeth with folk remedies:

  1. One of the most popular folk methods for teeth whitening is baking soda. This method at one time probably used by everyone, since it's not difficult to whiten teeth with this folk method. Soda should be used instead of toothpaste. During tooth brushing, soda crystals help to remove plaque on teeth and return them whiteness. Use of soda is recommended not more often than once a week, as its more frequent use leads to the destruction of enamel and increases the sensitivity of teeth.
  2. Wood ash is one of the folk remedies for teeth whitening, which provides a quick result. The composition of wood ash includes potassium hydroxide, which is known for its bleaching properties. Wood ash should be used for cleaning teeth in its pure form, or mixed with a small amount of tooth powder or paste. Wood ash, as well as soda, is not recommended to be used too often.
  3. Lemon juice refers to effective popular tooth whitening recipes. Teeth should be rinsed regularly with lemon juice. Also, it is useful to wipe them with the lemon pulp.
  4. Before the appearance of toothpaste, blue eggplant was a popular means for cleaning and whitening teeth in villages and villages. This vegetable should be burned on fire until a black powder is obtained, and brushing this powder with teeth. Such a remedy, unlike many others, not only whitens well, but also strengthens the tooth enamel.
  5. Whitening effect for the teeth renders hydrogen peroxide. A teaspoon of this product should be diluted in half a glass of water and rinse the resulting solution with a mouth cavity.
  6. One of the most delicious folk remedies for teeth whitening is strawberry and strawberry juice. Using these berries regularly, you can not only whiten your teeth, but also supply the entire body with vitamins. The juice of strawberries and strawberries can also be applied to the toothbrush and clean it with teeth.

Modern medicine is skeptical about folk remedies for teeth whitening. Many doctors argue that folk methods are not highly effective, but only contribute to the development of various diseases of the oral cavity. This statement is due to the fact that using folk medicine for teeth whitening, people often damage enamel acids and excessive mechanical impact. Therefore take yourself to the note that too frequent use of folk remedies can lead to the destruction of teeth and bleeding gums. Do not forget that using traditional methods of teeth whitening, you should observe the measure and be careful.

Knowing how to whiten your teeth in a popular way, each person gets an alternative option to expensive toothpastes and preparations. And to achieve the best results possible, combining the achievements of modern medicine and folk remedies.