How to quickly get rid of acne on the face?

This is a problem for many people, especially adolescents. To learn how to quickly get rid of acne on the face, you first need to find out the cause of their appearance.

What causes acne?

Physicians identify several major factors for the onset of acne:

Acne disease with hormonal abnormalities may not be manifested in everyone. Before trying to quickly get rid of acne, experts recommend that you stop using drugs, alcohol and nicotine. It is very likely that this will help.

A simple way to quickly get rid of pimples at home

Acne is considered one of the most common problems of the young people on the planet. Fight it with the help of experts in specialized clinics. In addition, there are many ways to help get rid of the rash on your own.

Many women often encounter a situation where you need to quickly get rid of pimples on the nose, but do not know how to do it. As the fastest and most effective method, I recommended myself a good 2% solution of salicylic acid . It performs several basic functions:

You can buy salicylic acid in any pharmacy. The solution is applied to a cotton swab, which then wipes the face. It is advisable to carry out the procedure no more often than 2 times a day, otherwise the skin will simply be over-dried. After a while after the procedure, experts recommend doing moisturizing masks.

How to quickly and effectively get rid of internal acne on the face?

Infusion of chamomile is considered to be the most common method of combating acne. It helps to remove inflammation and eliminate irritation. You need to pour chamomile with boiling water and let it cool. Compresses are made several times a day. The broth can be poured into molds and put in a freezer. Wipe face with the resulting ice should be in the morning and evening.

Fresh aloe or parsley juice helps a lot. It is applied to affected areas twice a day. Another effective method is masks made of special cosmetic clay. Combine funds is not necessary - it is better to choose one that is most suitable for your skin type.