Removing eyelashes remover

Despite the fact that after the eyelash extensions are kept quite a long time, after 1-3 weeks they need to be removed. For this, special cosmetic products called debonders or remouvers are used. It is important to use a high-quality and safe remedy to remove the lengthened eyelashes, which will not cause allergic reactions and irritation of the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Good means for removing extensible eyelashes

Most of the products considered by professional cosmetic companies are based on natural ingredients that gently dissolve the glue, but do not contain aggressive ingredients.

Recommended means for removing eyelashes:

Means for removing eyelashes at home

In addition to professional cosmetic products, you can remove the eyelashes by yourself without buying a debander.

The easiest way is to apply castor or burdock oil on the eyelids, and after a few minutes wash it off with a cotton pad with a mild detergent. This tool is no less effective than a special remover, but it is more secure.

An alternative to this method is the use of a fat cream. The method of use is similar to removing eyelashes with vegetable oil, only in this case the exposure time (up to 10 minutes) is increased.