Hematoma on the head of a newborn

No matter how defensively the baby is prudent in nature, nevertheless the appearance of a hematoma on the head of a newborn child in our time is not uncommon. In medicine, the word hematoma refers to various injuries of soft tissues, in which there is a rupture of blood vessels. In the tissue itself, an empty space is formed - a cavity into which coagulated blood flows. Outside, the entire process will look like a bruise, with the same colors, shades and the same pain.

Types of ancestral hematomas on the head

1. Cephalogram .

This is the most common and often occurring type of hematoma, so we will focus your main attention on it. With a cephalohematoma, one or two children out of 100 born can face. The main causes of this hematoma are the narrow birth canal of the mother, the discrepancy between them and the baby's head, or pressure drops. After all, what happens inside the mother does not seem to be what the baby expects from the outside. Another known reason for the appearance of this type of hematoma is prematurity , which does not look at the course of labor or the degree of their complexity. Because of all this, as a rule, and there is damage to the vessels or their walls on the head of the baby.

Kefalogomatom is usually noticed only after the postnatal swelling and swelling in the child. A feature of this type of hematoma is that it can grow in size in the first 3 days of life and freely moves over the head, as if floating. If you gently press on this hematoma, you can notice that waves seem to diverge from it. Then the process can go on one of two scenarios:

What treatment is used for hematoma in newborns? First of all, the doctors will take the pumping out of the blood from the periosteum. This is not a terrible and not dangerous procedure is done with the help of two small needles. One needle removes the accumulated blood, and the other maintains the level of optimal pressure in the vacated place. If the hematoma is very large, then its puncture and puncture will be done. In addition to these procedures, the intake of vitamin K and calcium is also prescribed.

What effects can the hematoma of the head have on a newborn? Not detected on time, the hematoma can cause deformities of the head and the shape of the child's skull. What in the future will bring a number of inconveniences.

What is dangerous postpartum on the head of newborns? Hematomas of large size can begin the process of suppuration and ossification, if they are not detected in time, then there is no way to do without surgery.

2. Intracerebral hematoma.

Appears if blood enters the brain of the newborn. This happens with difficult births and head injuries. As a rule, in such cases there is not one, but several intracerebral hematomas.

3. Epidural hematoma.

Occurs in ruptures of a blood vessel that passes between the skull and the surface of the hard shell of the brain. In such cases, treatment begins instantly, otherwise the risk of death is high.

4. Subdural hematoma.

The cause of the appearance of subdural hematoma is convulsions and all kinds of motor attacks. Because of this, blood can accumulate under the hard shell of the brain. Healed this type of hematoma begins immediately, with the help of injections of special drugs. In more complicated cases, an operation is performed.

The main thing for parents is not to wind themselves up. Of all the described types of hematomas, only the first is often found, but with the right approach and treatment, everything passes quickly enough, leaving practically no trace. Therefore, do not panic beforehand and adjust yourself to black thoughts.