Cancer of the bronchi - symptoms

Cancer of the lungs and bronchi in medicine is usually treated together under the name "bronchopulmonary cancer." In this case, it is divided into central (actually cancer of the bronchi) and peripheral (when the tumor develops directly on the lung tissue). Smoking is considered to be the main cause of the disease, but in addition people who work in potentially harmful production (with chemicals, asbestos, fiberglass, heavy metals) are at risk.

Symptoms of Bronchial Cancer

The severity of the signs of cancer largely depends on how large the bronchus is affected. The more extensive the lesion, the more pronounced the symptoms are.

The first symptom of bronchial cancer is a persistent cough that does not depend on any external factors or general condition. The cough is dry at first, but then it becomes wet. Over time, blood may appear in the sputum or it becomes pale pink.

Quite often, the cancer of the central bronchus is accompanied by a constant low-grade fever. There is also general weakness and a sharp decrease in body weight.

With the development of the disease, the symptoms progress and worsen, there is difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath , chest pains are possible. In the later stages (stages 3 and 4 of the stage of bronchial cancer) the development of "hollow vein syndrome" is characteristic, the symptoms of which are hoarse, labored breathing, cyanosis, edema of the face and neck, and such a patient can only sleep while sitting.

Degrees of bronchial cancer

It is accepted to distinguish 4 stages of disease progression:

Diagnosis of bronchial cancer

At the initial stage, the diagnosis of bronchial cancer can be difficult, since its symptoms resemble many other diseases of the pulmonary system, accompanied by a prolonged cough. It is not possible to diagnose such a disease exclusively on external manifestations, therefore, with a long disturbing cough, a lung X-ray or a tomography scan is used. To obtain more reliable data, bronchoscopy is used, taking smears that reveal pathological cells.