Nazivin for babies

As soon as the weather starts to deteriorate, the human body is faced with a variety of colds . One of the most common signs of a cold is rhinitis (runny nose). Over the years, every adult person chooses for himself the most appropriate way to treat this ailment. But how to be, when the cold catches a very small man who just appeared in the world? Nazivin is a well-known treatment for infants, appointed by pediatricians. Nevertheless, any mom is concerned about the question of how effective and safe Nazivin is for newborns. We will try to briefly explain why doctors prescribe Nazivin to infants.

Nazivin is a medicinal product intended for constriction of vessels and symptomatic treatment of the common cold.

Indications for treatment with this drug are: rhinitis (both acute and allergic), eustachitis, inflammation of the sinuses of the nose.

Treatment of the common cold with the help of these nasal drops leads to a reduction in the edematous state of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The effect manifests itself after a few minutes and lasts from 7 to 12 hours.

Drops Nazivin - how much can you drip to a child?

Prior to the application, you should carefully understand what kind of dosage, form of release and even the bottle must be purchased at the pharmacy, so as not to make a mistake and not to harm the infant.

The drug is available in various dosages - for children and adults. For a newborn, Nazivin is prescribed in drops with a dosage of 0.01%. This form of release may be appropriate for treating infants up to one month old. In one ml of the drug contains oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.1 mg and is available in 5 ml glass vials with a pipette cap.

There are drops with a high content of active substance, sprays are also produced for spraying on mucous membranes, contraindicated for children under 6 years. Breast pills are prescribed only nasal drops with a minimum dosage of 0.1 mg.

Nazivin drops for newborns are used as follows: newborns under one month: 1 drop of liquid 2-3 times a day in each nostril. Children older than one month and younger than one year: 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day, also in each nostril. Children after one year: 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day in each nostril. All drops should be applied strictly to the dosage appropriate to age.

It is important to take into account that at any age it is inadmissible to exceed the number of instillations per day - no more than four. Otherwise, you can lead to an overdose. Also, the duration of treatment should be limited - usually doctors prescribe the drug for 5-6 days. In individual cases, the duration of the course of treatment can be increased to 10 days, but no more.

Precautions for use

Nasivin should not be taken with drugs that cause an increase in blood pressure, or MAO inhibitors. Despite the obvious benefits, Nazivin can cause the following negative reactions:

Long-term improper use can cause mucosal atrophy. There are rare cases when repeated overdose with nasal use led to systemic effects such as tachycardia (increased heart rate) and increased pressure.

Thus, Nazivin can be considered quite effective in the fight against the common cold in newborns. Be sure to consult a pediatrician, and do not self-medicate. Learn how you can strengthen the immunity of a newborn. Protect the child from hypothermia and contacts with the sick, as well as smoking people. Walk more, let the baby breathe fresh air every day.