Chocolate sausage - recipe

Chocolate sausage is an amazing dessert that will appeal to both adults and children. Such a delicacy perfectly diversifies any tea drinking.

The recipe for cooking classic chocolate sausage



We grind the shortbread cookies into small homogeneous crumbs. Large chopped peeled nuts and add them to the liver. In another container we mix sugar, butter and cocoa, mix everything well, add cow's milk with a thin trickle and put this mass on a small fire. We mix it to obtain a homogeneous mass, but do not bring it to the boil. After this, carefully pour everything into the sand crumb and mix thoroughly. The resulting thick mixture is divided into a couple of parts, each is rolled up into sausage, wrapped in a food film and placed in a cold place for 8-9 hours.

A simple recipe for chocolate sausage



Using a kitchen hammer, grind the cookies, first putting it in a bag. In a separate container, we mix the melted butter with sugar and send it to the fire to dissolve all the crystals. Turn off the fire, pour in the cocoa powder, mix and add crushed cookies. After thoroughly mixing, wrap the resulting mass in a special film and set it for a while in a cold place until it is completely solidified.

Recipe for chocolate sausage with raisins



Softened cream butter whisked with sugar until a lush mass. Separately, mix the egg with cocoa powder, pour it into oil and mix everything thoroughly. Pour finely chopped nuts, raisins and pre-chopped cookies. Again, everything is well mixed. Having formed the sausage, wrap it in a tracing-paper and place it in a cold place until it is completely solidified.

Recipe for chocolate sausage from cookies with candied fruits



Mix in a deep saucepan finely chopped candied fruits, chopped cookies and nuts. Separately, combine cocoa with sugar, throw vanillin to taste, pour in the milk and mix until the lumps dissolve. Cut the pieces of butter into a chocolate-milk mixture. We heat the mass, stir constantly until all the crystals dissolve. Then this hot mixture is poured into cookies with candied fruits and mixed. We transfer the finished mass to baking paper, wrap it in a tight roll and give it a sausage shape. Send it for freezing in a cold place for a couple of hours.

Recipe for chocolate sausage with condensed milk



We break the hands of cookies into small crumbs or twist through a meat grinder. Then add the softened creamy butter, put the walnuts, pour out the condensed milk and pour out the cocoa. Everything is very well mixed, we form a roll, wrap it in foil and put it in a cold place for a couple of hours. Before serving cut the dessert into small slices.