How to cover for the winter seedlings planted in the fall?

With the approach of autumn, the owners of vegetable gardens and plots have a lot of cases related to digging the earth and cleaning the fallen leaves . But if young trees were planted at this time of the year, the work will increase significantly. First of all, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to cover the saplings planted in the fall for the winter. The young trees that replaced the place of growth are significantly weakened, which means that even mild frosts can have a negative impact on them.

How to hide seedlings for the winter?

In general, the most sensitive to frost are fruit trees. For example, nuts or maples easily transfer redeployment to a new location and, as a rule, quickly take root.

If we talk about how to cover the saplings of fruit trees for the winter, then there is nothing complicated. You will have to perform several operations:

  1. Fill the lower part of the trunk with a thirty-centimeter layer of soil or mulch (sawdust, peat, hay, humus) to protect the root system from frost.
  2. Wrap the trunk to the branches with a cut of the agrofiber or spandbond. If this material is not available, use a "breathable" cloth or what you find on the site - lapnik, needles. By the way, lapnik, will protect not only from cold weather, but also from sharp teeth of rodents.
  3. In the event that the shelter is not planned, the trunk must be whitewashed to protect against sunburn.
  4. When the snow falls, we recommend to cover the seedlings of trees for the winter with this natural thermal insulation material.

When are young trees planted for winter?

The most suitable time for sheltering seedlings is a few weeks after planting in a new place in your garden. During this time, moisture after irrigation will have time to penetrate into the deep layers of the soil. If you follow the exact timeframe you are uncomfortable, be guided by the weather conditions characteristic for you. If the frosts in November are the usual weather for your region, prepare seedlings in the middle of October.

It is important not to miss the deadline, when a sharp temperature drop is possible. Regarding the temperature at which to cover the seedlings for the winter, the optimum indicator is + 5 + 7 ° C.