Diet of Professor Usama Hamdiy

The egg diet of Professor Usama Hamdi is a special principle of nutrition, which works on the basis of chemical reactions taking place in our body. It should be noted that this diet is only for very purposeful people, since this regime should be observed in accuracy. The results can be stunning, and if you have a lot of excess weight, you can throw off up to 10-15 kg! The menu of the diet of Osama is designed so that no additional vitamins or mineral complexes are required.

Usama Hadmiy's diet: general principles

Usama Hamdi demands in the diet strict adherence to a small list of rules, without which this system can not bring such striking results. Consider these:

Otherwise, everything is simple: if the ingredients of the salad are not indicated, then you need to eat a leaf salad. From the fruits are allowed everything, except bananas, grapes, mangoes, dates, figs. As boiled vegetables, zucchini, zucchini and eggplant, as well as green beans, are suitable. Use only low-fat cheese and low-fat cottage cheese.

Usama Hamdiy's diet: the menu

Consider the diet menu of Osama Hamdi for 4 weeks, which should be observed in order to achieve optimal results. Just note that breakfast should be the same every day: half a grapefruit and a couple of hard-boiled eggs or soft-boiled.








The menu of the second week of the diet of Usama Hamdiy:








The menu of the third week of the diet of Usama Hamdiy:

Monday : any allowed fruit.

Tuesday : any vegetables (except potatoes) and salads.

Wednesday : any fruits and vegetables.

Thursday : all day fish, shrimp and vegetables.

Friday : All day, low-fat meat and poultry + vegetables.

Saturday and Sunday : any one kind of fruit is unlimited.

Adhering to this menu all 4 weeks, you will easily reach your goal.