Lenten soup with beans

Lenten borsch with beans has a wonderful rich taste. Supplementing the dish with mushrooms, prunes and other vegetables, we get borscht in its qualities, not less than meat-based.

How to cook lean borsch with beans and mushrooms - a recipe with sauerkraut



In order to significantly reduce the cooking time of bean grains soak them beforehand for a night in a sufficient amount of water. After that, rinse them thoroughly, fill with filtered water and set on a moderate fire to cook with a barely noticeable boil until half-ready, without pouring.

During this time we will prepare, as it should, vegetables. We rinse, clean and cut small cubes of potato tubers and sweet Bulgarian pepper, carrots and beets shred with thin straws, and bulbs with semicircles or cubes. Mushrooms are washed and cut into plates or random slices of the desired size, and the fresh tomatoes peeled from the flesh are grinded through a grater or pierced to mash in a blender. If tomato paste is used, then mix it with a small amount of water.

In the frying pan warm the vegetable oil without flavor, lay the onion initially, and after three minutes add carrots, beets and mushrooms and fry, stirring, for another ten minutes. Now we introduce the tomato mass, mix it and allow the contents under the lid to soften the vegetable and mushroom slices.

In another pan, fry a little sauerkraut, and then add a little water and squish the contents for twenty minutes or until soft.

In a pot of beans, we add potatoes, laurel leaves and sweet pea peppers, and after fifteen minutes we spread the vegetable and cabbage mass, we throw the Bulgarian pepper, small chopped garlic cloves, fresh greens, pour borscht to taste, cook for five minutes and give another minute ten to brew.

Delicious lean borsch with canned beans and prunes



Peeled and diced onion, thin straws carrots and fresh beets are browned on vegetable oil without flavor for seven to ten minutes, and after that add the tomato paste and fry, stirring, a few more minutes. Now add the chopped fresh cabbage, reduce the intensity of heat and tommim the contents of the container under the lid for twelve minutes. We heat water to boiling point, we put in it the skins that have been rid of skins and cut with small slices or cubes of potato tubers, cook for ten minutes, and then add canned beans, sliced ​​prunes, we throw a roast with cabbage and chopped Bulgarian pepper.

We brych soup with salt, peas of sweet pepper, laurel leaves and cook until all components are ready. Now we throw the peeled and sliced ​​garlic teeth, chopped fresh greens, we give the meat ten minutes to brew and can serve.