Chronic laryngitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

If you know the symptoms of chronic laryngitis in adults and start treating the disease in time, you can avoid many of its negative consequences. When the disease becomes inflamed mucous larynx. As a rule, this trouble does not come one and is combined with various inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of chronic laryngitis in adults

There are several basic types of the disease. Depending on the form of laryngitis, the symptoms vary slightly:

  1. The main distinguishing feature of the lightest kind of laryngitis - catarrhal - hoarseness. Patients feel sullenness and tickling in the throat. Most people begin coughing, accompanied by the release of a small amount of mucus. The mucous larynx becomes grayish reddish with the disease. Sometimes on its surface can be seen enlarged vessels.
  2. Buy drugs for the treatment of chronic hyperplastic laryngitis in adults need when hoarseness. In this case, the ligaments externally begin to resemble bright red ridges. Sometimes they form small so-called singing knots.
  3. Atrophic chronic laryngitis is characterized by symptoms such as dry mouth, very strong cough with mucus, in which blood veins, general weakness, and decreased performance are sometimes found.

How to treat chronic laryngitis in adults?

The best therapy for laryngitis is a complex, combining the use of medicines and physiotherapy procedures. In addition, the patient will have to slightly adjust his lifestyle:

  1. Give up cigarettes.
  2. Less talk.
  3. Drink a lot.
  4. Eat warm and soft food.
  5. Avoid supercooling .
  6. Carry out regular airing.

Before starting the treatment of chronic laryngitis in adults, it is important to find out what exactly triggered the ailment. If the problem is in viruses, such drugs as Grosprinozin or interferon inducers are prescribed.

The uncontrolled use of antibiotics for chronic laryngitis in adults is ineffective. Preparations of this group should be taken when the disease is caused by bacteria. The best antibacterial drugs are:

Regardless of what causes laryngitis, the patient needs:

  1. Do rinse.
  2. Take immunomodulators.
  3. Drink syrups and tablets that help to prompt expectoration of sputum.