The best vitamins for pregnant women

Pregnancy is undoubtedly the most important period of life for any woman. It is worthwhile to take care not only of the life that is being formed, but also of one's own body. This will help the best vitamins for pregnant women. Of course, any doctor will say that there is nothing better than fresh vegetables and fruits, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The reality is that an extremely small amount of vitamins remains in the products that are provided to us by stores. And besides, a pack of vitamins will cost, in some places, cheaper than a kilogram of fruit.

What vitamins are better for pregnant women?

Despite the availability of information on the Internet, it is still worth consulting with a doctor about this. We made up for you a short rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women.

  1. Materna - contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, you do not need to buy anything. Side effects (with the correct dosage) are not seen. Take one tablet a day.
  2. Complimant mother - also has the necessary kit for pregnant women. Suitable for admission during preparation for pregnancy. There were no side effects except for an overdose in case of abuse. Take one tablet once a day. There are several, rather rare, contraindications: hypervitaminosis, urolithiasis, not intended for children.
  3. Pregnavit - in it you will find everything that you and your baby need. The dosage is calculated in accordance with the trimesters of pregnancy. Perhaps, this is one of the most popular and best complexes of vitamins for pregnant women. No side effects were found.
  4. Vitrum Prenatal - in general, the complex is good and balanced, but without iodine. At the moment there is no evidence of an overdose. It is extremely rare to have an allergy in the form of itching and skin rashes. Take one tablet a day.

But the anti-rating:

  1. Elevit - contains harmful dyes and is banned in Germany. Often causes constipation.
  2. Velvumen - despite the popularity on women's sites, is contraindicated during pregnancy.

What vitamins it is better to drink to pregnant women, everyone will have to decide for themselves, but perhaps several facts will help determine the choice.

Vitamin complexes contain exactly balanced dosage. If you take vitamins separately, you can earn hypervitaminosis, which is also not very good. And also the probability is high that the desired result will not be achieved, because some vitamins and minerals do not act without the presence of another.

The best vitamin complex for pregnant women is a competently balanced combination of medicines and quality products.