12 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end. You can breathe a sigh of relief, because it is at this point in time that the placenta ripens morphologically and functionally, taking on the main role in the production of pregnancy hormones, performed before the yellow body. Such phenomenon as early toxicosis is caused by hormonal activity of the yellow body before the 12th week of pregnancy. Now these phenomena are significantly weakened or even disappear, although not all. The exception would be multiple pregnancies, complicated pregnancies and the first pregnancy.

What does an embryo look like in 12 weeks?

At 12 weeks, the embryo already resembles a small copy of a person - it has basic organs and systems - the brain and spinal cord, the intestinal tube, the heart and a small number of blood vessels, the liver and kidneys are already functioning, the production of the first bile and urine begins. At the same time, the skeleton develops-muscle, cartilaginous skeleton, skin integument. The embryo starts to make involuntary movements - it sucks a finger, moves a head, makes movements by handles and can even somersault. The nervous system of the future baby still continues to evolve, but the brain already resembles the brain of an adult, only in a miniature version. Fetal size at 12 weeks is comparable to the size of a medium-sized chicken egg. Fetal growth at 12 weeks varies from 6 to 9 cm. Fetal weight at 12 weeks may be 10-15 g.

TVP or the thickness of the collar fetal space at 12 weeks is one of the criteria for diagnosing chromosomal pathology. Normally, TVP is considered to be up to 3 mm, at high values ​​it is recommended to do a chorion biopsy for the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities, in particular, Down's disease. However, it is not uncommon for children with completely healthy children to be born with TVP 5 mm or more.

Fetometry of the fetus at 12 weeks is necessary for a more accurate determination of the gestational age, monitoring the development of the baby, as well as for assessing apparent disturbances in the development of the embryo.

BPR or biparietal size of the fetal head at 12 weeks should be at least 21 mm, the LJ or abdominal circumference - not less than 26 mm, KTP or coccygeal parietal size - not less than 60 mm, DB or thigh length - not less than 9 mm, DHA or the diameter of the chest - not less than 24 mm.

How to behave to a future mother at a time of 12 weeks?

The fetus becomes very mobile at 12-13 weeks, swallows the amniotic fluid actively, moves the handles and legs, barely distinguishable marigolds on the handles, peristalsis appears in the intestine. As for the future mother, the size of the uterus increases - it starts to rise above the small pelvis, but there is still no need to wear clothes for pregnant women. It is important to remember that clothes should be free and in no case tight. Since the pressure on the intestine increases with the increase in the size of the uterus, and constipation may appear during pregnancy , it is necessary to enrich your diet with foods rich in fiber - all sorts of raw vegetables, cereals - oats, buckwheat, millet. However, white rice should be limited, as it fixes and in polished form contains few vitamins.

At the same time, doctors advise to reduce the intake of meat products, in which there is a probability poor heat treatment - shish kebab, grill, barbecue. Give preference to boiled and stewed meat, this will reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis, to which the fetus is particularly sensitive at this stage of development. Undoubtedly, both hypothermia and respiratory-viral infections should be avoided, since the laying of the nervous system takes place and it is very vulnerable.

Also, the future mother will be more useful to be in the air more often, and move more, since this contributes to the development of skeletal muscles in the baby and will increase the flow of oxygen to his tissues.