The ceiling in the bathroom - which one to choose?

Finishing of the ceiling in the bathroom is subject to a certain microclimate that forms in this room: high humidity, the presence of vapors and drops of water, periodic increases and decreases in temperature. Therefore, many people are faced with the question of choosing a ceiling in the bathroom.

Now there are a lot of options for the ceiling in the bathroom, we'll stop at some of them.

Suspended ceilings for plasterboard bathroom

Such ceilings are chosen for installation in the bathroom quite often. Firstly, there is a special moisture-resistant type of drywall, which allows not to worry about the safety of the ceiling, and secondly, this coating looks beautiful and modern, the plasterboard panels reliably hide all the irregularities of the base ceiling surface. In addition, this is the easiest option for installing any ceiling lighting in the bathroom, suitable as a spotlight, as well as a large chandelier. Finally, such a cover can be made with different levels of height, which allows to give the room a unique look. Disadvantages of plasterboard ceiling is the need to install a frame that "eats" the height of the room, as well as the difficulty of self-assembly of the entire coating. However, this is almost the only option for a bathroom with a bevelled ceiling.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom

Modern stretch ceilings are successfully used and when finishing the bathroom. Such coatings withstand moisture and water vapor well, they will not deteriorate if they accidentally leak from the apartment from above (the ceiling will be stretched under the weight of water, but experts can easily merge it and the coating will take its former form again), and there are no options for decorating such a ceiling . A disadvantage of the stretch fabric is its susceptibility to tearing in the case of exposure to sharp or hard objects, as well as the difficulty in washing glossy coatings, matte same ceiling in the bathroom does not require such labor.

Glass ceilings in the bathroom

This type of ceilings in the bathroom is a hanging sheet of glass plates, mounted on a reinforced metal frame. The glass ceiling can visually expand the room, looks unusual and interesting. At the same time, he is not afraid of moisture and leaks from above. Colored glass can give the room a special atmosphere.

A type of glass is a mirror ceiling in the bathroom, in which instead of the usual tiles are used options with a reflective surface. This ceiling is able to conquer anyone, but it is worth to prepare for the fact that it will be difficult to take care of such a coating, any stains appear quickly on any glass and mirror, and wiping with ordinary water leads to divorce.

Cassette ceilings for the bathroom

Ceilings of glass are part of a larger group of cassette ceilings. These hinged structures are assembled on a frame of guides, while its constituent elements are square shaped tiles. The ceiling-tile looks very good in the bathroom. The drawbacks and advantages of such ceilings depend on the material used to make the tile, but it is worth remembering that the mud is capable of hammering into the seams between parts of such a coating.

Panel ceiling in the bathroom

A variety of design options are created using a variety of panels, assembled on the principle of the designer. The ceiling of the siding in the bathroom - a budget and interesting option, but it is worth choosing vinyl, not metal options, as the latter are prone to corrosion under the influence of moisture.

Plastic ceiling in the bathroom, assembled from PVC panels, suitable for decorating rooms in modern styles. Interesting look non-standard color moves, for example, the black ceiling in the bathroom.

The wooden ceiling in the bathroom is not the most practical solution. It is better to choose a siding or panels with imitation wood, but if you want to still make a cover from a natural board, the optimal solution is to cover the finished ceiling with a water repellent composition.

Aluminum ceilings in the bathroom are durable and beautiful, they look neat for a long time, but in the seams between the panels dirt can accumulate, and the shine of the metallic material is not always pleasant to the residents of the apartment.