The Chicken God

Russian national name of the stone - "Chicken God", went from the magical village environment. Similarly, the word "chicken" is a modified "chicken", that is, related to the deity or spirit of ancestors of the ancient Slavs, to Chur or Shchur, who defended borders, openings and doors.

Chicken god, stone with a hole served as a charm for Slavs for poultry. In some villages, it was believed that round stones with a small hole inside help to ensure that the chickens were better carried and hung in the curtains of this stone in order to ward off the disease from the bird. However, over time, people noticed that the "Chicken God" can also protect them. Then, to protect the house from any evil force or from the evil eye , they placed a stone in the village hut under the lower crown.

You can meet under your feet a lot of mysterious talismans and some have an ancient origin. For example, stones with natural holes, which are called - "Chicken God". These stones were considered happy, and the person who found him was lucky.

According to the legend, the stone "Chicken God" can not be presented as it brings luck only to the person who finds it. Also, the hole near the stone should be natural, you can not make a hole yourself.

Where to find the stone "Chicken God"?

In the early hours after the storm on pebble beaches you can see people slowly walking along the shore and looking at their feet. They periodically bend over and pick up pebbles, examining them, sometimes rejoicing in the find. People are looking for the "Chicken God". If in summer you go to rest on the sea with a pebble beach or in the mountains, be sure to look for a pebble with a through hole. Since the "Chicken God" is the element of the earth. And a through hole symbolizes overcoming of obstacles, therefore this stone can serve as a talisman, helping to overcome physical ailments and worldly difficulties. Many people who found a gritty stone noticed that after finding it, there was less hardship in life.

Chicken God - a talisman of happiness and fulfillment of desires . His find indicates that fate is supportive of you. This talisman can be worn around your neck or in your pocket. But many do not know the true secret of this talisman. In order for the wishes to be fulfilled, you should look through the hole in the stone, making a wish, then strongly clench your fist and feel how the force with which you squeezed the stone to the embodiment of your dreams. Stone - "Chicken God" is an excellent talisman for those who have dangerous work and have to risk their life and health, as well as those who have to risk material values. You just need to take the stone in your hands and say three times: "On a stone throne, in a stone sky, a stone god sits and drives away a stone cloud. Gremi thunder, stone cloud, me (Name) on my head not, go. "

In addition, the stones "Chicken God" since ancient times used as amulets. In these stones, the origin of the hole was attributed to running water, sea or river. The stones have preserved the energy of the water, which has been grinding them for hundreds of years, washes away bad energy. The chicken god is an amulet of luck and is considered one of the very powerful amulets. The more stones - "Chicken God", the better. If you put multi-colored, gritty stones on one thread, then such a strong chicken god will fulfill the owner's dreams, and can also save dental and headaches. However, one stone will also attract luck.

Also, the "Chicken God" relieves the experience associated with financial difficulties and the desperation of their situation. The spirit of the gouged stone facilitates physical and mental suffering, inspires the desire to find a way to solve these problems. In this connection, the stone "Chicken God", it is useful to wear pessimists, as well as those who are depressed.