Morning gymnastics from Anita Lutsenko

Morning is the most convenient time to devote to yourself, your health and beauty. Also in the morning, you can make a time for exercises, only 5-10 minutes and a charge of vivacity for the whole day is provided, not to mention a sense of self-worth that will overwhelm you from the realization that you did it!

This is what the morning gymnastics from Anita Lutsenko proves-better each day, but slightly more than a march-throw occasionally, in the mood. Let's see what our guru has prepared for us in the world of fitness and health.


Morning gymnastics with Anita Lutsenko is a simple joint gymnastics that does not require any special equipment, no large space, or even time. However, you'll see for yourself when you see it, but rather try to repeat the morning gymnastics complex from Anita Lutsenko.

  1. We knead the ankle joint - we rotate the foot in one and the other side alternately.
  2. We connect our legs together, with our hands on our knees - we rotate our knees in both directions.
  3. We stretch the hip joint.
  4. Straighten the knees, we put one hand on the waist, the second we pull aside, and together with it we incline sideways and a trunk. We alternate the arms and the side of the slope.
  5. We make turns with shoulders.
  6. We knead our neck.
  7. We do 10 sit-ups, knees do not cross the edge of socks, heels on the floor.
  8. We go down and take an emphasis lying down - we stand 10 seconds.
  9. We perform 10 push-ups on the knees.
  10. They stretched back, stretched the lower back and stood up as they fell - pulling their arms to their feet, straightening their knees.

For beginners, such gymnastics with Anita Lutsenko should be repeated once in the morning during the week. In a week you will feel different, if, of course, do not miss a single day.

Next in the second week, do 2 repetitions of the complex every morning, on the third - 3. And when you notice that you do not get tired at all, just increase the number of repetitions in the exercises.