The concept of marriage and family

Who is our social unit - marriage or family? Which of them has guaranteed the social reproduction for many centuries? What are they and why? All this and even more will be discussed in the article.

The concept and essence of marriage and family

These two similar concepts are often used to mean the same meaning. They are really very close, but there are differences between marriage and family. Here are some of them:

But such a division is conditional. The fact is that the final interpretation of these concepts is still not available, and they are used more often as synonyms, which practically does not cause objections. Further in the article we will use them as identical terms.

The main functions of family and marriage:

  1. Reproductive. The main resource for the development of mankind - new people - is produced in families.
  2. Economic. The family is the minimal unit of the national economy, leading its budget, which is the producer and consumer.
  3. Educational. Marriage can be called a school in which both adults and young people learn socialization, receive and practice their experience in this area.

Forms, or models of marriage and family

The union of a man and a woman can take a wide variety of forms, depending on the progressiveness of society and the weight of religious dogmas in it. So, family or marriage can be:

  1. Traditional marriage - confirmed by secular and / or religious institutions, encouraged by society. To the greatest extent settled legally.
  2. Civil marriage - all relationships as in a traditional family, but without registration. Recently, more and more approaching the traditional marriage in matters of legal protection of partners.
  3. Temporary marriage - a prisoner for a certain period of time, after which it is considered to be dissolved. Occurs in some Muslim countries.
  4. Communal marriage is a format for the case when partners are more than two.
  5. Guest marriage - a modern trend, the result of the desire to leave only a comfortable side, removing all tense moments like life. Partners live in different territories, from time to time they meet.
  6. Free marriage - when partners agree to leave each other the right to have personal relationships outside the family.

As the basis and marriage, and the family is considered a married couple, as well as other family members who are with this couple in kinship relations. In most countries there are special family codes. Often the basic dogmas of building family relations are established by religion.

Recently, the services of those partners who are striving for harmony in the family and marriage, there is a whole science and professionals with a special education. It's about the psychology of marriage and family. The main postulate of this trend in psychology is that harmonious relations can be adjusted only as a result of work on both partners. A family psychologist will help solve family and marriage problems.

Modern marriage and family are in the most benevolent conditions in order to be successful. Society tolerates the desire of people to choose non-traditional forms of family organization. And this means - more freedom in the search for personal happiness.