Lausanne Airport

The civil airport in the Swiss city of Lausanne is called Blesheret (Aéroport de Lausanne-Blécherette), it is located in the same area of ​​the city, about 1 km from the center. Blesheret Airport is near the border of France and Switzerland , so its residents are equally beneficiaries of both countries.

General information

As an airport, Blesheret began its work in 1911, and since 1930, it has been connected to such European cities as Paris, Vienna, Brussels, etc. Since 1993, the airport has been managed by the organization A roport r gion lausannoise-La Bl cherette, which in 2000 improved the runway, increasing its safety.

On the territory of the airport there is an old hangar, built in 1914, and in 2005 a new four-storey office building in the form of a wing was opened here. To observe the take-off and landing of aircraft or to drink fragrant coffee can be from the panoramic windows of the restaurant at the airport.

How to get there?

The airport of Switzerland in Lausanne is located near the A 9 motorway, by taxi, which takes about 10 minutes from the city center, can also be reached by buses with routes 1 or 21 or by trolleybus.

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