The head is spinning under normal pressure

Vertigo is a phenomenon that every person has come across. It manifests itself as a feeling of insecurity in determining one's own position in the surrounding space, the apparent rotation of one's body or objects around, a sense of instability, a loss of balance. Sometimes dizziness is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, changes in heart rate, sweating, etc.

Why can dizziness occur?

Short-term dizziness occurs about many healthy people after riding on roundabouts, as a result of motion sickness on transport, when looking down from a high altitude, etc. Such sensations are considered normal and pass on their own.

But frequent and prolonged dizziness may also indicate a variety of pathologies in the body. For example, quite often the head is spinning in people suffering from blood pressure changes. It is low or high blood pressure is one of the most common causes of dizziness. If the head is spinning under normal pressure, the cause must be sought in the other. Further we will try to understand why the head can be spinning under normal pressure.

The head is spinning, and the pressure is normal - the causes

Let us consider the most probable causes of the state when the pressure is normal and the head is spinning:

  1. Vertigo may be due to osteochondrosis or curvature of the spine. These pathologies lead to a violation of blood circulation in the brain as a result of squeezing the carotid or vertebral artery through which blood enters the brain. Such dizziness is characterized by a long duration, accompanied by weakness, loss of coordination of movement, double vision.
  2. The situation when the arterial pressure is normal, but the head is spinning, can be observed with diseases of the vestibular apparatus located in the inner ear. In this case, dizziness accompanies nausea or vomiting, the appearance of cold sweat, loss of coordination of movement. To contribute to this may be trauma, otitis media, concussion.
  3. If the head starts spinning unnoticed, and there is a hearing loss on one side, then perhaps the tumor is present in the brain. Also, one-sided deafness and dizziness can occur when the eardrum ruptures. In the latter case, the symptoms increase with sneezing and coughing.
  4. In anxious, emotionally exposed people, there may be a so-called psychogenic dizziness. Attacks appear in stressful situations and, in addition to dizziness, are characterized by symptoms such as cold sweat , heaviness in the head, a feeling of intoxication and lack of air.
  5. Sometimes dizziness appears as a side effect after taking or overdosing certain medications. More often such phenomena are observed at reception of antibiotics and sedatives.
  6. Dizziness is often a symptom of multiple sclerosis - a neurological disease in which there is a an inflammatory process in the brain and the destruction of the nerves. In such patients, the head is spinning during seizures, in which nausea, vomiting, and coordination of movements are also noted.
  7. With the development of inflammation of the inner ear, symptoms such as dizziness, headache, hearing loss, and the appearance of secretions from the ear are observed.
  8. Dizziness may be one of the symptoms of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, with dysbacteriosis there are dizziness combined with general weakness, abdominal pain, stool disorders.