Ophthalmologist - who is it, and when should I go to the oculist?

Poor vision is a scourge of modern society, so an ophthalmologist - who it is, everyone should know. The knowledge of many people about the oculist specialist is limited only by the fact that this doctor checks his vision. In fact, an ophthalmologist is a doctor who treats various disorders of the visual apparatus. Sooner or later everyone needs it.

Ophthalmologist - who is this?

Previously, in most medical institutions it was possible to meet a specialist who was engaged in diagnostics and treatment of pathologies in the visual apparatus. It was the oculist. Today, these duties are performed by an ophthalmologist. For this reason, the question naturally arises: are these two different specialties or the same? To understand this will help the meaning of the terms used. The Latin oculus literally translates "eye". The term, translated from Greek into Russian by the word "ophthalmology", means "the doctrine of the eye".

In the modern sense, these two specialties are identical. In other words, an ophthalmologist is an oculist. Although some still believe that there are differences. In their opinion, an ophthalmologist is a specialist who is competent not only to diagnose and treat pathologies of the visual apparatus, but also, if necessary, to perform surgical operations. He has a wider profile than an ophthalmologist.

Ophthalmologist-orthoptist - who is this?

This is a specialist working in the healthcare field. Orthoptist - that's what the eye doctor calls. He specializes in the therapy of such visual impairment:

What kind of illnesses does the ophthalmologist cure?

The list of pathologies with which this specialist fights is enormous. Before going to such a doctor, the patient is important to understand, the ophthalmologist - who it is and what heals. This will allow him to prepare in advance for such a visit. Here are the diseases that the oculist treats:

  1. Myopia is an anomaly caused by a visual impairment. A patient who has this disease is seen clearly with a picture close to him, and what is next is blurred. This is due to the fact that the image on the affected eye is formed not in the retina, but in front of it.
  2. Astigmatism is a violation of the clarity of vision, caused by deformation of the lens or cornea.
  3. Hyperopia is a pathology in which focusing on far-away objects occurs behind the retina.
  4. Cataract - clouding of the lens, which provokes partial or complete loss of vision.
  5. Glaucoma is a complex of disorders in which frequent jumps of blood pressure are noted. They cause visual impairment.

Duties of the ophthalmologist

The main task that faces this specialist is carrying out therapeutic manipulations in the event of various diseases of the organs of vision. The duties of a doctor of an ophthalmologist at a polyclinic are as follows:

When should I go to the oculist?

Periodically, this specialist needs to visit both adults and children. There are, however, a number of circumstances when one can not delay a visit to a doctor. These include the following situations:

This is all that the ophthalmologist treats. You can not try to solve the problem yourself, because this will not give the desired result. In addition, the situation may aggravate, because time is not in favor of the patient. Also, the eye doctor ophthalmologist is among the list of doctors who should be visited by pregnant women and newly-born women. This specialist should be checked regularly by such specialists:

How is the appointment with the oculist?

Before going to this doctor, the patient seeks to find out more: an ophthalmologist - who it is and what will be done. This is not idle curiosity, but quite a normal reaction of a person: he has the right to know all this. The doctor begins the ophthalmologist with listening to the patient's complaints. After the doctor begins to survey, which is represented by such manipulations:

Diseases of the eye - diagnosis

Before you schedule a course of treatment, the doctor should prescribe a checkup. In addition to a standard examination, a specialist can recommend the following procedures:

In addition, the eye doctor can recommend the advice of such specialists:

Ophthalmologist's advice

Any illness is easier to prevent than to treat it later. The same is true for the pathology of the visual apparatus. Knowing, the ophthalmologist or the oculist - who it is, and in what the task of this expert consists, it is possible to address in time to it or him for the qualified help in time. This will speed up and facilitate the treatment process.

Keep your eyes healthy, and vision - the following tips of the oculist will help:

  1. To reduce eye fatigue after working at the computer, you can make lotions. A compress made of natural honey (1 teaspoon), diluted in warm boiled water (50 ml), proved to be very successful.
  2. The quality of vision is strongly influenced by the food consumed. It is desirable to enrich the diet with foods rich in vitamins A and E.
  3. Experts advise to blink often. Eyelids are moistened during the movement of the eyelids, and their tension decreases.
  4. You can not read in a poorly lit room and transport.
  5. If the sun shines, you need to wear quality sunglasses.
  6. When working at a computer, the distance between the monitor and the eyes should be 60 cm. In addition, every hour, you should do a 5-minute break.