Vazobral - analogues

Treatment of pathologies of peripheral and cerebral circulation is based on special preparations, which include Vasobral. They normalize blood flow, arterial and venous pressure, the composition and density of the biological fluid. Difficulties in therapy arise when it is necessary to replace Vazobral - analogues of this medication, which have identical composition and functions, are not available at the moment.

Synonyms and analogues Vazobrala according to the active substance

The described drug is based on two components - caffeine and alpha-dihydroergocryptine in the form of mesylate.

There are no direct analogs to active substances. If Vazobrala is not available, a self-prepared mixture of these ingredients is used.

Generics and Analogues Vasobrala in tablets and solutions

In the pharmacological group of drugs that normalize or correct the cerebral and peripheral circulation, many tablet synonyms of Vazobrala:

It is important to note that many of the medicines listed above are not only available in the form of tablets, dragees and capsules, but also as solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Typically, injections or infusions are used for intensive treatment, while oral forms are prescribed during the rehabilitation period, as well as for effective prevention of recurrence of the disease.

Only in ampoules the following Vazobrala analogues are sold:

These drugs have a powerful effect, help to quickly normalize blood circulation in the brain and peripheral vessels. Usually they are used in therapy after strokes , heart attacks, various kinds of dementia.

The peculiarity of Vasobrail is that even with prolonged admission, it does not affect the magnitude of systemic blood pressure, despite the caffeine content in the composition. This nuance should be considered when choosing a synonym or generic. All the drugs listed in the above list are non-pressure reducing analogues of Vazobrala. At the same time, their simultaneous administration with any antihypertensive drugs can provoke a severe hypotonic crisis.

Separately, it is worth considering such an analogue of Vasobral as Enopril, as well as similar medicines (Monopril, Enalapril). These drugs can not be considered as generics and synonyms of the described bloodstream corrector. They have a direct effect on the value of blood pressure (lower) and are intended for the treatment of other disorders of blood flow - hypertension, heart failure. Therefore, neither Enopril nor its analogs can be taken in place of Vazobral.

Prices for analogues Vazobrala and reviews about them

According to the opinion of the majority of doctors and patients, there is no medication that can fully replace Vazobral, and even more so, to produce a better therapeutic effect. But if necessary, advise to buy inexpensive analogues based on cinnarizine. Their cost is about 1 cu. for the packing of tablets.