Rhinopharyngitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Rhinopharyngitis is an inflammation that affects the nasal mucosa and pharynx. This disease is a complication of pharyngitis and rhinitis. It is extremely important to begin treatment of rhinopharyngitis in adults immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms and to prevent the development of chronic form, since it practically does not give in to treatment.

Symptoms of Rhinopharyngitis

Usually diagnosed and begin treatment of acute rhinopharyngitis in adults after the appearance of such symptoms:

Chronic form of the disease is characterized by pain in the throat and sadness, an increase in tonsils and lymph nodes. Sometimes a patient has a sensation of having a large foreign body in the pharynx. In the absence of treatment for acute and chronic rhinopharyngitis in adults, there is a symptom such as abundant mucous or purulent discharge. They come from both the pharynx and the nose, while the patient constantly clears throat.

Treatment of rhinopharyngitis

Before treating rhinopharyngitis in adults, it is necessary to reduce the intoxication of the body and increase immunity. For this, you need to take antiviral drugs (Isoprinosine, Ingavirin or Cytovir 3). To restore nasal breathing will help:

In severe course of acute rhinopharyngitis in adults, it is better to use local antibiotics for treatment (Bioparox, Hexoral). It is mandatory for this disease is prescribed drugs to improve the outflow of mucus with vasoconstrictive effect (eg, Rinofluimucil ).

By the 4th-5th day of illness, as soon as the cough becomes moist, Ambroben, Lazolvan or any plant mucolytic (Linkas, Mukaltin, Doctor Mom) should be taken. Antibiotics are prescribed only for the bacterial type of the disease (even with remission of symptoms, as this ailment tends to reappear and exacerbate) or when tracheitis and bronchitis are attached.

For the treatment of rhinopharyngitis in adults, the following procedures are prescribed:

With the development or atrophic or hypertrophic form of the disease, the disease is often treated by applying cryotherapy, laser therapy and with the help of minimally invasive operations.