Placental insufficiency - symptoms

Placental (fetoplacental) insufficiency is a violation of the functions of the placenta that has arisen under the influence of certain factors. The placenta plays a huge role in the life support of the baby: it feeds it, carries out vital oxygen, and also displays the products of metabolism. In other words, it is the link between the child and the mother.

If this fragile process is violated, the child suffers. He receives less nutrients and oxygen, which can result in poor development and even death due to premature detachment of the placenta during pregnancy .

How to determine placental insufficiency?

Signs of placental insufficiency are not always clear. Depending on the form of pathology, a woman may not suspect that she has FPN. This is most often the case with chronic compensated failure. The fact that there are problems, a woman often finds out on ultrasound.

When acute or chronic decompensated FPN symptoms are more pronounced. At first you will feel strong movements of the fetus, more active than before. After this stirring will be sharply reduced. Note that if the fetus moves less than 10 times a day after the 28th week of pregnancy. This condition requires an immediate request to a specialist.

With decompensated FPN fetal development is delayed, so the stomach may decrease. The woman herself may not notice this, so the doctor at each examination makes measurements of the circumference of the abdomen.

The most dangerous symptom of placental insufficiency is the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract. This indicates a premature detachment of the placenta. Immediately contact a obstetrician-gynecologist so that he can correct the situation.

Any form of placental insufficiency requires treatment. Do not take responsibility and neglect the appointment of a doctor.