Eczema - treatment with folk remedies

Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin of an allergic nature, which is manifested by a rash, burning sensation, itching.

Causes of Eczema:

By localization, the nature of manifestation and depending on the cause, several forms of the specimen are distinguished: true, microbial, dihydrotic, varicose, atopic, etc. It is possible to combine several forms of eczema at once. The disease can occur acutely and chronically.

Treatment of eczema by traditional medicine methods

Treatment of the disease is individual, depending on the cause and form. Diagnosis often requires an examination of a dermatologist, however, in some cases an additional examination may be required.

The main principles of eczema treatment are:

For today, external forms of corticosteroids, antihistamines are widely used for treatment, sometimes sedatives, vitamins are prescribed.

Treating eczema with homeopathy

Treatment through homeopathy is characterized by a holistic, integrated approach to the disease, in this area of ​​medicine a person is seen as a system. Therefore, when treating eczema with homeopathy, the symptoms are not simply eliminated, but concomitant diseases are also cured, in which the root cause of this ailment can be covered.

This is a gentle method without the use of chemical agents, in which the causes of the rash are eliminated, the overall resistance of the body, immunity increases. Drugs are administered individually. Of course, the treatment is more lengthy, but, as doctors-homeopaths say, more effective. However, it is worth noting that traditional medicine refers to this method skeptically.

Treatment of eczema with folk remedies at home

People's treatment of eczema is directed, first of all, to increase the body's resistance to the whole and to the action of allergens.

Treatment of eczema with herbs:

  1. Gadgets - using a gauze pad, soaked in cold herbal decoction, applied for 1.5 hours 2 times a day. To do this, apply herbs alone or collections from the bark of oak, leaves of plantain, mint, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, juniper needle, etc.
  2. Healing baths - with the addition of decoctions of celandine, burdock root, nettle leaves, string, root of ayr, herb of oregano, etc.
  3. Decoctions for ingestion of herbs: a turn, a violet, leaves of a walnut, a black currant, strawberries, a yarrow, a root of a burdock, a dandelion and chicory etc.

Separately it is worth noting the treatment of eczema with celandine, the fresh juice of which is abundantly lubricated by the affected areas, and the infusion is taken internally. To prepare this fresh grass put in a 0.5 liter jar, half filling, pour boiling water, and insist under the lid until it cools. Take three times a day for 100 ml a few minutes before meals.

Treatment of eczema with sea salt. This folk remedy can be used to treat dyshidrotic eczema. Apply hot baths twice a day for 15 minutes. Why do 5 tablespoons of salt dissolve in a liter of water. After that, the skin is lubricated with a moisturizer. Also, the eczema is sprinkled with chopped salt, mixed in equal parts with licorice grass powder.

To treat dry eczema folk remedies locally apply sea buckthorn oil, rubbed into the skin. In the presence of cracks help tincture of chamomile on olive oil (50 g of chamomile flowers pour 250 ml of oil, infuse for 10 days).

Treatment of eczema with leeches

It turns out that these "little doctors" are effectively used for the treatment of eczema. By the way, doctors are increasingly beginning to use leeches in the treatment of various diseases in combination with drug therapy.

The application of hirudotherapy technologies improves local and general immunity, eliminates pathogenic microflora in the body, improves venous and lymphatic drainage, inhibits the action of histamine - a substance that triggers an allergic reaction. Those. there is an effect of the leech enzymes not only on the skin, but also on the processes in the body. For treatment, 1 - 2 courses of hirudotherapy for 7-10 sessions are required.