Diet "5 table" - what can you do that you can not?

In certain chronic diseases or after surgery for recovery, it is necessary to completely exclude certain foods from the diet.

Indications for the "table 5" diet

The main indications for the therapeutic diet "table 5" are such diseases as: cirrhosis of the liver, chronic, acute cholecystitis and hepatitis, as well as cholelithiasis.

Talking about what can be done with diet number 5, first of all, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fats, while the food should contain proteins and carbohydrates. All products with a "table 5" diet are cooked or baked, occasionally they can be extinguished.

What can and can not be done with the "table 5" diet?

The hepatic table of diet number 5 means the use of bakery products not earlier than on the second day after manufacturing. You can eat baked patties with meat, cottage cheese, fish and apples.

Meat dishes can be prepared from lean chicken and turkey meat without skin and tendons, as well as beef, veal, pork, lamb and rabbit. Pilaf should be cooked only on pre-boiled meat, you can eat boiled sausages and cabbage rolls.

Fish should only choose low-fat varieties, it can be cooked in cooked or baked form.

According to the diet "table 5" with cholecystitis, you can use vegetable soups with the addition of cereals, fruit soups, milk soups with pasta, beetroot, borsch. Vegetables for the first course should not be fried, but dried.

From dairy products are allowed: low-fat milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, soft-boiled egg, protein omelet.

Vegetables are allowed to eat in raw, stewed and boiled. All non-acidic fruits and berries, dried fruits , compotes, jellies, mousses, jelly, coffee with milk, tea, juices and broths of wild rose are allowed.

Absolutely forbidden: