Stammering in children 3 years old

Stuttering is a violation of the pace, rhythm of speech, breathing during speaking, caused by the overstrain of the muscles of the speech apparatus. In speech it is manifested as sudden hesitations and repetitions of individual syllables. Most often, stuttering occurs in children 3 years old - with the beginning of the period of active development of speech. Boys are more likely to stutter than girls, because they are less emotionally stable.

The child began to stutter in 3 years: the reasons

  1. Physiological . Stammering is not inherited, but predisposition is possible. Also, speech problems can be caused by birth trauma, organic disorders in the structure of the speech centers of the brain, as well as infectious diseases - measles, pertussis, typhoid and diseases of the speech organs - larynx, nose, pharynx.
  2. Psychological . Stammering neurotic character is called logoneurosis in children . It can be provoked by sharp emotional shocks, childish fears, sudden fear. This is because when a child is worried, his speech does not keep up with the brain, and there is a stall.
  3. Social . This group of reasons is sometimes more difficult to identify, because at this age children are very impressionable and are influenced. For example, they may unknowingly copy the speech of stuttering peers. Often, stuttering occurs when the trilogy is overloaded with speech material, for example, while learning several languages ​​at the same time. Also the reason for stuttering in 3 years may be excessive severity of parents and an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family.

In addition, there are a number of provocative factors that can contribute to the manifestation of speech disorders, for example, fatigue, dentition, the predominance of protein foods in the diet, adenoids causing respiratory failure.

Stammering in children 3 years old - treatment

Treatment of stuttering is a complex of activities, appointed by a speech therapist. In this case, it is important to establish a trusting relationship between the child's parents and the specialist so that the therapeutic interaction is most effective. If the child stutters in 3 years, the following recommendations should be observed first of all:

To date, there are the following methods of treating stuttering in a child: