Gloksinia from the seeds of the house

Gloxinia is a roomy perennial flowering plant. It has velvety leaves and pink, white, red or purple bells.

If you first want to plant this plant, you are interested in the question: how to grow gloxinium from seeds? Many beginning flower growers complain that they can not grow gloxinium from seeds. This is a very painstaking activity, but following the necessary rules, you will certainly achieve success.

Planting gloxinia seeds

Gloxinium is planted in winter - in January-February. In the summer you can already enjoy its flowering.

For planting use a special soil mixture, which contains sand, peat, leaf and soddy soils.

Before planting, prepare the soil, watering it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or calcining in a microwave oven. Seeds of this plant are sold in capsules of 5 pieces, because they are very small. Seeds are placed directly on the ground, not burying them in the ground.

Growing gloxinia from the seeds of the house

This plant needs to be in the light. Therefore, to ensure constant access to light, a container with seeded seeds is placed under a light bulb. Also, to maintain a constant moisture, the crops are covered with a film or a plastic bag, which are removed every day for half an hour to ensure ventilation.

It is important to maintain the correct temperature regime - at least 20 ° C.

The first shoots appear in 2-3 weeks. When the first two leaves germinate, sprouts are planted in different containers, which must match the size of the plants. First they are transplanted into plastic cups, and then into larger pots. In order not to damage the roots of the sprout, it is taken out with a small piece of soil.

You can grow gloxinium from seeds at home, if you want to decorate your house with this spectacular beautiful flower.