The newborn does not sleep all day

In the view of many, a newborn child must only eat and sleep within a day. And when a kid appears in the family who behaves differently, parents start to panic about the fact that their newborn does not sleep all day. Most often, there is no reason for alarm. Approximately one in five newborn babies do not sleep during the day, sometimes such children do not eat well, are overly anxious - they shout and cry a lot.

Why does not the newborn sleep during the day?

  1. In the first months after the birth of the baby the intestinal microflora is formed and the formation of the digestive system is completed. The baby periodically has colic and pain, which disturbs the child, disturbing his sleep. In order to regulate the problem, nursing mothers should observe a certain diet. At the end of feeding the baby, it should be held for 15 minutes in an upright position, so that the air that has entered the esophagus during sucking is released.
  2. Sometimes a newborn cries and does not sleep simply because he is hungry. Sometimes young moms complain that the baby has just eaten, but can not fall asleep. In this case, you should find out the reason. The weakened child sucks badly and falls asleep during feeding, and, not having got his own, soon wakes up. If the situation is repeated often, the nursing mother should take breast milk for biochemical analysis, it is likely that she or insufficient lactation, or in milk lack of nutrients. Also, the child is disturbed because of the physiological immaturity of the esophagus pylorus, when the punctal muscle is not well connected. The kid does not just regurgitate - his fountain comes out with all the contents of the stomach, so he remains hungry.
  3. The child reacts to all disturbances of his comfort. Sometimes the reason that a newborn can not fall asleep is a wet diaper, irritation on the delicate skin, improper air temperature in the room. Therefore, it is so important to observe the hygiene of child care and adhere to the parameters recommended by pediatricians for the conditions of the baby's stay.

A baby's dream differs from that of an adult: the fast sleep phases prevail, so after a dozen minutes of nap, he often does not want to sleep any more. Pay attention to the general condition of the child, if the child is healthy, active and cheerful, then it is likely that his need for sleep is small. More are with the baby in the open air, do more with him during wakefulness, and it is likely that sleep will be adjusted.