Examination of vessels of the brain and neck

Disturbance of blood supply to the brain is a significant medical problem. Diseases associated with blood vessels often lead to loss of efficiency and even death. In order to prevent the sad consequences, experts recommend that you undergo examination of the vessels of the brain and neck.

Indications for checking the blood vessels of the brain

For periodic examination of cerebral vessels, in the first place, the following persons should be targeted:

Doctors also advise to undergo a timely examination for those who are overweight, there is a tendency to diabetes. It is equally important to keep the condition of the vascular system under control, to people whose blood relatives have had a heart attack or stroke .

Methods of inspection of cerebral vessels

Checking the head vessels is prescribed in conjunction with the examination of the cervical region. The defeat of the vessels of the brain and arteries of the neck has common causes and symptoms. We note the most information-capacious and safe methods of examination of blood vessels.

Ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels

Echoencephalography of ultrasound and Doppler examination of cerebral vessels are carried out using a device-sensor that sends ultrasound signals to the tissue. Reflected waves are converted into an image on the monitor. Both methods provide information on the speed and direction of blood flow, the presence of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots in the vessels. Thanks to ultrasound and dopplerography, an aneurysm and the presence of damaged areas of the brain are detected.

Magnetic resonance method

Magnetic resonance angiography is carried out by means of radio waves. The tomograph makes it possible to obtain an image of the vascular and neural tissues. Using MRI, you can identify pathogenic processes in the arteries and cerebral vascular lesions, as well as the cervical spine.

MRI with contrast

Magnetic resonance examination with contrasting substance helps to identify tumor formations, the location of their localization and their condition.

Vascular Reoencephalography

REG brain vessels - the study of the functional capabilities of the vessels, which is based on the phenomenon of electrical changes in tissue resistance. The method allows to detect atherosclerosis, pre-infarction, ischemic circulatory disorder.