3 weeks to the newborn

Your baby is already 3 weeks old, he is still in the status of a newborn, and so will be until the end of the first month . This period the doctors call neonatal.

The 3rd week of a newborn's life and the subsequent time of the first month is the period of adaptation to a new incomprehensible life of sensations and images.

Development of a newborn at 3 weeks of life

The child has already become acquainted with the surrounding world and begins to adapt to it actively. At the 3rd week the newborn seems already more adult and conscious:

  1. The Kid already scored well in weight (within 500-1000 g), grew (by 2-3 cm) and became stronger.
  2. It is on the 3rd week of the newborn's life that his first conscious smile can be observed. A crumb answers it to the gentle treatment of any of the adults. At the same time, the baby can frown with disapproval, if he hears unpleasant intonations.
  3. Newborn in 3 weeks clearly hear the sounds. He reacts to unpleasant and harsh ones with a flinch, and with very strong noise the child is frightened and very much in tears.
  4. By the end of 3-4 weeks, the child tries hard to keep the head in the supine position. Some children do it well. But do not get upset if the baby's efforts remain in vain, he has a month left to master this skill.
  5. Newborn children of the 3rd week of life already know how to focus the eye briefly. If earlier the kid kept his eyes on anything for not more than two seconds, now he can look at his mother's face a little longer.
  6. By the third week, the newborn still retains all the congenital reflexes: search, defensive, grasping, proboscis, sucking, plantar, stepper, reflexes of Babinsky and Galant.
  7. Chaotic movements of handles and legs toward the end of the first month slow down, increased muscle tone is still present, but is less pronounced.

Development of the newborn at the 3rd week should not take place according to a clearly prescribed scheme, each child is individual, children differ both in physical and emotional characteristics.

General tips for the baby's parents

  1. For a child of any age, it is very important to understand the parents, even a newborn baby has a feeling of safety, comfort, peace when a caring mother appears near the crib.
  2. Kolikov and gaziki in the child - this is the nightmare of a modern parent. At the 3rd week of life of the newborn, these disorders are particularly pronounced. Frequent, seemingly causeless crying of the baby, sleepless nights, difficulties with feeding often lead to the confusion of newly mum and dad. By three months, the correct functioning of the digestive system of the baby is established, and these disorders disappear without a trace. Naturally, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the child with the help of a tummy massage, dill water, a gas pipe, and, if necessary, medicines.
  3. It is difficult for young children to regulate their sleep and wakefulness independently. The tired child will whimper, cry, touch with legs and handles, squeeze the fists. Help the child fall asleep: wrap it in a soft blanket, put it on your hands, shake, turn on quiet music or sing a lullaby .
  4. Crying is a natural way of connecting a child to the outside world. With the help of crying, the kid reports on his condition and needs: he cries when hungry or tired, when his tummy or ear hurts, when he is uncomfortable, cold or hot.
  5. The vision of a newborn at 3 weeks of life is far from ideal, however, he can see large objects close to him. It is during this period that children begin to be actively interested in looking at everything that is in their field of vision. Take care of the first toys for crumbs - bright rattles of various shapes.
  6. Almost all newborn babies mow with eyes, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon that will disappear after 4-6 months, immediately after the end of binocular vision formation.
  7. Newborn babies are afraid of light, in bright light they turn their heads and squint their eyes. Try to avoid blinding lamps, give preference to more dim lighting.