Reflection - what is it in philosophy and psychology?

In a mad rhythm of life, a modern person sometimes does not have enough time for the most important thing - his own inner world. The ability to introspect and understand your mistakes is extremely important for every person. We suggest to find out what kind of methods of reflection there are and what is emotional reflection.

Reflection - what is it?

Experts say that reflection is a kind of attention of a certain subject to oneself, as well as to one's own consciousness, the products of one's activity and their rethinking. In the traditional sense - the content and function of their consciousness, which includes personality structures, thinking, mechanisms of perception, decision-making, emotional response, behavior patterns and much more.

Reflection in philosophy

Reflection is usually understood as a philosophical term that characterizes the form of the individual's thinking activity, aimed at understanding his actions. Reflection in philosophy is a method by which one can reveal the specifics of the spiritual and spiritual world of man. It is important to understand that this concept, together with the application of a categorical language, can characterize philosophical thinking. If we generalize, then we can say that the whole philosophy is the reflection of the mind, which is a reflection on such categories as thoughts and representations.

Within the framework of individual philosophical theories and concepts, reflection is regarded as the most essential property of consciousness. Thanks to this it becomes clear that the beings who are exceptionally capable of being aware of the state of their own psyche can be called conscious. However, such approaches are not accepted by supporters of the intentional concept of consciousness.

Reflection in Psychology

It is generally accepted that reflection is in psychology one of the forms of introspection and is an appeal of the consciousness of the individual to the analysis of one's thoughts and actions. One of the first to work with this term in psychology A. Buseman. He owns the idea of ​​isolating the reflection into a separate section. In his opinion, this concept means transferring experiences from the external to the inner world of a person. S. Rubenstein argued that a mature full-fledged personality can form if a person can understand the boundaries of his "I". This process involves the ability to self-analysis.

By a reflexive act, the stoppage of the entire flow of thought processes and states is understood. There is a transition from automatism to awareness, the process of personal understanding of one's own inner world. The result of such activities is the formation in the individual only of a characteristic way of not only thinking, thinking, but also living as a whole.

Types of Reflection

Sometimes the question becomes what is actual, what kind of reflexion there is. It is customary to separate the following types:

  1. Situational reflection is an indicator of "motivation" and "self-esteem", ensuring the inclusion of the subject in the situation, the awareness of its components. This type of reflection includes the ability of the subject to compare his actions with a particular situation, coordinate and control the components of the activity in accordance with conditions that may change.
  2. Retrospective reflexion - facilitates the analysis of the performed activities and past events.
  3. Prospective reflection - it includes reflections on future activities, presentation of activities, planning, choosing the most effective ways to implement it, and forecasting possible outcomes

Reflection and self-development

It is very important to develop reflection to change a person for the better. To do this you need:

  1. Be able to analyze your actions after really important events.
  2. Think about your actions and how actions could look in the eyes of others.
  3. Finish your day by analyzing everything that happened.
  4. Sometimes check your opinion about others.
  5. As much as possible to communicate with dissimilar people.

Reflection in sports

Often you can hear about the concept of reflection in sports and physical culture. By this term, a special skill is understood here that is aimed at self-awareness, the ability to trace one's own emotions, actions, the ability to analyze them and evaluate them. If to speak easier, it is a kind of conversation with yourself. Teaching the basics of reflection in physical education classes at school is not simple and multifaceted. It is clear that he can not be taught in just one lesson. At the same time, this process is multilevel and one that is constantly becoming more complicated.

What influences a person's ability to reflect?

There is such a thing as personal reflection. If we talk about the ability to reflect, then they can develop, like all other abilities in the context of a particular activity. These opportunities can be presented within a specific structure. An example is the structure of thinking and communication. A person capable of reflection can be called a person who can successfully solve problems by searching for an exit from a difficult situation, rethink his own consciousness.

Exercises on reflection

It is very effective to call such exercises on reflection in training:

  1. Self-portrait - contributes to the formation of skills to recognize an unknown person, develop skills of describing people on different grounds. Here you need to imagine that you need to meet a stranger and need to describe yourself so that he can recognize you. Such work should take place in pairs.
  2. Without a mask , it helps to remove emotional and behavioral enslavement, to form skills of sincere statements with the purpose of analyzing one's self. Each participant receives a card on which there is a phrase without an ending. Without preparation it is necessary to finish the phrase. The answer must be sincere.
  3. Yes - it helps to improve the skills of empathy and reflection. The group needs to break up in pairs. One of the participants needs to say a phrase expressing his state, mood or feeling. After that, the second participant should ask questions.
  4. Carousel - will help to create quick reaction skills during contacting. This exercise involves a series of meetings, with each time a new person. Here it is important to easily start to contact, support the conversation and say goodbye.
  5. Qualities - will help develop participants' objective self-esteem . Everyone has to write at least ten positive and at least ten negative qualities of their own, and then rank them. It is important to pay attention to the first and last qualities.

How to get rid of reflection?

If the state of reflection is depressed and there is a desire to get rid of it, here are some valuable tips for psychologists:

  1. It is important to take the rule for yourself to be the first to greet people.
  2. You need to be able to hold confidently or at least pretend to be a confident person. To begin with, you need to spread your shoulders and raise your chin up.
  3. Do not be afraid to look people in the eyes. So a person will understand that there is interest in him and he will certainly reciprocate.
  4. It is important to learn how to conduct small talk. You can start with those people with whom it is really very easy and pleasant.
  5. Auto-training. From time to time you need to remind yourself about your own importance and uniqueness.
  6. It is necessary to try to do something from which there is fear. If it turns out to accomplish something that was previously lacking in spirit, then there is no doubt that victory is ahead.