Viral load in hepatitis C

Patients of the hepatologist periodically need to take tests to find out whether the virus of the infectious disease in the body is active, and how much it progresses and reproduces. Viral load in hepatitis C is determined by a special test, during which the blood is examined in the laboratory. Earlier, only counting copies of pathogenic cells was carried out, but modern technologies provide a more accurate measurement, in ME per 1 ml of biological fluid.

Analysis and its types of viral load in hepatitis C

The test described is classified into 2 categories:

  1. Qualitative - determination of the presence of hepatitis C RNA. This analysis is suitable to confirm a preliminary diagnosis or to refute it, is used at the survey stage.
  2. Quantitative - accurate calculation of the amount of RNA in 1 ml of blood. This test helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment, to make reliable predictions about its correction.

Three methods are used for the analysis:

The most sensitive tests are based on TMA and PCR technologies, they allow to reveal the lowest possible values ​​of the considered parameter in comparison with p-DNA.

The norm of viral load indicators for hepatitis C

Presented values ​​do not have acceptable boundaries, they can be:

It is important to note that the viral load is sometimes not determined at all by modern research. This does not exclude the presence of active structures of infectious RNA in the blood, simply its quantity may be too little or negligible. In such cases it is worth repeating the tests after a while.

How to reduce high viral load in hepatitis C?

The only way to reduce the activity of propagation of pathogenic cells is adequate treatment . The standard of therapy for hepatitis C is a combined antiviral regimen suggesting the simultaneous use of ribavirin and peginterferon type alpha. Dosages are determined by the doctor individually for patients, depending on the degree of development of pathology, body weight, general well-being.

It is important to keep the recommended diet all the time, completely abandon bad habits, to lead at least a relatively healthy lifestyle.