37th week of pregnancy - precursors of childbirth

The appearance of a child at light for a period of 37 weeks is considered timely, so prospective mothers should know what symptoms can signal about approaching labor. Let us consider in detail the precursors of childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation.

Precursors of delivery at week 37

  1. Abdominal abscess . The height of the uterus bottom throughout the entire pregnancy increases by about 1 cm per week. This figure reaches 37-40 cm to 37 weeks of pregnancy, and a couple of weeks before the birth the stomach drops by 2-3 cm. This can happen in just a few hours. The fact is that on the eve of birth the lower segment of the uterus stretches and becomes softer. Because of this, the fruit falls lower and presses against the base of the small pelvis.
  2. Changes in the state of health of a pregnant woman . A few days before the birth, there may be changes in the state of health and mood of the future mother. Some are concerned about tearfulness, rapid change of mood, irritability, emotional upsurge. In addition, there may be intense sweating, chills, fever, dizziness. Such symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman on the eve of birth.
  3. The 37th week of pregnancy is accompanied by the following sensations :
    • relief of breathing (the uterus does not squeeze the chest so much);
    • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, connected with the fact that the uterus and the fetus weighs all the weight on the lower part of the abdominal cavity;
    • low motor activity of the baby - the stirring at the 37th week of pregnancy, if the stomach is lowered, is no longer so noticeable: this is because the child has already taken a stable position before birth and can not turn, but only move the legs and handles.
  4. Weight reduction . Before giving birth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, which leads to a small weight loss. This is for the purpose of thickening the blood and, in the future, reducing its loss in the process of childbirth. In addition, the additional liquid that has been used up to this moment for the production of amniotic fluid is no longer required and the body gets rid of it. Often, this process can be accompanied not only by increased urination at 37 weeks of gestation, but also by nausea or diarrhea.
  5. False contractions . At 37 weeks of pregnancy, they are the most important sign of approaching labor. They differ from prenatal labor by their irregularity and low intensity. These are the training stresses of the uterus, which can appear several times a week, and sometimes every day. Such cuts help the cervix smooth and make its structure softer, preparing for the upcoming labor.
  6. Mucous plug . Mucous discharge at 37 weeks gestation can signal the departure of the plug, which protects the uterus and the fetus from getting external infections. In the period of preparation for childbirth, the plug becomes diluted and begins to flow. It should be borne in mind that this symptom is individual, some have a cork a week before the birth, and someone with the onset of labor. Sometimes these allocation can be confused with amniotic fluid. In this case, it is worth remembering that the latter leak constantly and increase with a slight cough. If you still have doubts, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.
  7. Painful sensations . At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the belly may be ill with the expectant mother. The cause of traumatic pain, as a rule, is not only the lowering of the abdomen. The fact that closer to the beginning of labor in a pregnant woman is stretching and softening of the joints of the pelvis, in order for the baby to be born more freely. In addition, it can sip the muscles and ligaments, this is also the preparation of the pelvis for labor.

Precursors of delivery at 37 weeks is not yet the beginning of labor, but you should not leave them without attention, but be sure to report such symptoms to your doctor.