The role of the father in the family

Unfortunately, today a family without a father is not uncommon. But is this a problem for modern women: we will stop the horse and stop the baby at the race, and we will give birth to the child without getting off the leader's chair, and we will grow up a precious child, without forgetting to keep our subordinates in the gloved hands. That's right, today women are capable of many feats, but this does not mean that there is no difference between a family without a father and a complete family. To realize these differences, you need to understand what the role of the father in the family is, what duties are assigned to him, because modern society no longer requires a man to be a breadwinner and to put the rest of the trouble on the woman.

Role of the father in the modern family

The problem of relations between fathers and children in the family has always been, and nowhere to go from it, different generations will always have different views on life situations. But if earlier problems were due to too much influence of the father on children, his word was decisive in almost any issue, but today there is a loss of father's authority in the family. There is this for many reasons, the main of which is women's emancipation. Thanks to her, the patriarchal model of the family was destroyed, and the new one did not yet have time to form.

Now men think that they are not obliged to take responsibility for the family - equality after all, and it's not a masculine affair with a rattle near the child to sit. Fathers of families are now more and more at work, and when they come home they want to be not disturbed, especially a child with their stupid questions. As a result, children experience a lack of male influence, which the school can not make up, too, most of the female teachers are there. If the child does not see his father, they do not have an emotional connection, there is no feeling of respect for the elder. And when the child grows up, his father begins to genuinely wonder why his word means little to the child, why the children run with their problems and joys to the mother.

But this approach to education gives rise to many other problems: the children do not know how a man should behave, they do not have a male model of behavior. From here we get infantile and selfish young men, and initially unhappy girls in their personal lives - they do not expect (and sometimes do not expect, most often they do not receive) no support from the opposite sex and take on an exorbitant burden to organize their own lives, raise their children etc. Therefore, it is important not only to raise children in a full family, but also not to reduce the role of the father to earning money. If we talk about equality, then the contribution to family well-being (both material and spiritual) of both parents must be equivalent.

From mother, children receive the first lessons of kindness, it contributes to the development of such qualities as sensitivity and kindness to people, the ability to appreciate affection and give it to others. Mother teaches children caring and humanity. From the father, children receive will power, the ability to defend their point of view, to fight and win. The father teaches courage and resilience to life's troubles. And no matter how loving the father and brave mother, if there is only one parent, the child will still receive one-sided education. A full-fledged person can be formed only under the influence of both the father and mother.

A new family of my father

And what if the father left the family, try to return him to a cozy nest with all his might, fearing that the child will receive inferior education? Try to return, of course, you can, but it is worth remembering that this does not always lead to the desired results. Often such "returnees" finally lose interest in the life of the family and the upbringing of children, and you after all the man in the house is not "for furniture" needed. Therefore, it is often better to part with an amicable agreement, specifying the share of the father's participation in the life of his child, let them see, communicate and spend time together.

But do not take too much of the biological father's role, as folk wisdom says, the pope is not the one who conceived, but the one who raised it. A man should be a senior mentor for a child, support him (material, physical and emotional), all this can be done by the adoptive father. Therefore, if the daddy's native dad does not want to take part in his life, it is not worth insisting, but still nothing good will come of it. Better a loving stepfather than an indifferent father.