Cutlets "Sugrob" - recipe

Agree that to submit to the festive table just the usual cutlets simply not decent. But if you slightly diversify them with several ingredients, they will look no worse than any festive meat dish. We will tell you today how to cook cutlets "Snowdrifts" and surprise guests with an original dish.

Meat cutlets "Sugrob"



So, put the minced meat into a bowl, salt and mix. We clean the bulb, crush it in cubes and combine it with meat. Thoroughly mix everything and from the prepared stuffing we form small round cakes. We lay the workpieces on a baking sheet covered with foil. Now we clean potatoes, rub on a large grater and lay out a little on each cutlet.

Season with pepper and cover with a thin layer of homemade mayonnaise . Champignons are processed, finely chopped and sliced ​​on vegetable oil, podsalivaya to taste. Then we spread the mushroom roasting with the next layer, sprinkle all the grated cheese and send the dish to the oven heated up to 180 degrees. We bake tasty cutlets "Sugrob" for half an hour and serve it on the table, decorating with fresh herbs.

Cutlets "Sugrobe", baked in the oven



To begin with, you and I will need to make minced meat. For this, the meat is processed, washed and dried. The bulb is cleaned and cut in half. Then we pass through the meat grinder meat with onions, podsalivayem and pepper to taste. Next, we divide the prepared forcemeat into several parts, with a mold small cakes and put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Now we clean the carrots, shred it on the gratings and pass on the vegetable oil. Then we process the mushrooms, cut them into plates and fry them in a separate frying pan. After that, we spread on the meat preforms first carrots, then mushrooms and grated potatoes. A little podsalivaem all, cover with a mesh of mayonnaise and abundantly sprinkle all the grated cheese. We put the cutlets "Sugrob" in the oven for about 30 minutes, and bake at a temperature of about 180 degrees until the melting of the cheese.