International men's day

Dear ladies, not every one of you knows that besides February 23 and various holidays dedicated to military service and work, there is one more significant day when we must honor our close and familiar men. World Men Day is celebrated not only in Russia. The date of a landmark holiday for the male population is every first Saturday of November.

In addition, in retaliation for women who enjoy attention and gifts on March 8 in 1999, the International Men's Day was celebrated for the first time. Its main goal is to attract attention to men's health at any age. Cultural education of boys, highlighting the importance of men in family relationships and raising children in a full family (mother / father). It is also celebrated in November, only on Saturdays, but has a specific date - 19.

In addition to the above holidays in the social society in Russia at different levels, the introduction of another male festival - Men's Defense Day - is being discussed. But today everything remains at the level of discussion. For now, the men's day on November 19 and the day of men's protection are equated.

Men's Day in different countries

The day of men in Russia is celebrated by all citizens of the country, but in different ways. Someone is inclined to the fact that for a strong half of humanity there is enough and on February 23 . Someone celebrates this day on November 19, and someone without specific dates - every first Saturday of November.

The day of men in Ukraine and Belarus is poorly known. Residents of Belarus and Ukraine did not differ much from other world powers. And congratulate their men, as well as most of the rest - on the first Saturday of November.

President Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan noted that the World Men's Day is celebrated on May 7 in their country. And he stressed that women often forget about it, that's why Men's Day in Kazakhstan passes unnoticed.