The second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is one of the most important and important stages of pregnancy. In the seventh week the work of the yellow body gradually dies out to transfer its functions to the placenta.

If the first month of the future mother can not guess about her unusual condition, then 2 months of pregnancy removes all doubts. It is during pregnancy 2 months a woman can face morning sickness and vomiting. At the same time, it can be nauseated all day, this is helped by the suddenly sharpened sense of smell. The taste preferences of a woman may change. Gradually, the woman's breast "pours", the areoles become darker, the veins can appear under the skin.

The woman's state of health also changes: she awakens in the morning with a feeling of weakness, quickly becomes tired, she is constantly drawn to sleep, periodic dizziness and fainting may occur.

Sensations in the second month of pregnancy

Sensations in the second month of pregnancy are associated with the adaptation of the woman's body to a new condition. Pregnancy in the second month can be felt by bloating, heartburn, digestive disorders, stools, frequent urination. This is due to the increase in the size of the uterus.

In addition, a woman becomes emotionally unstable: she can easily get irritated, may worry unreasonably or, conversely, experience a mood increase. But the most important sign of pregnancy in the second month is the absence of menstruation.

Belly in the second month of pregnancy

The abdomen in the second month of pregnancy is almost invisible. And strangers are unlikely to be able to determine the pregnancy of a woman by her appearance. But the embryo is already actively growing. It happens that the stomach in the second month of pregnancy may start to be rounded. This can be a manifestation of the physiological characteristics of women. The belly is also noticed in rather thin, expectant mothers. And full pregnant women practically keep their former forms.

During this period, headaches, pain in the abdomen and lower back can occur. The latter are explained by the increase in the size of the uterus and the relaxation of the spine and ligament cords supporting the uterus.

The danger of such pain can be assessed only by a doctor. If in the second month of pregnancy in the abdomen there is a drawing pain and thus there are spotting, then the pregnancy can result in miscarriage.

Fetus in two months of pregnancy

The most significant changes occur in the second month with the child. At this time, the laying of all his organs and system is in full swing. The fifth week is associated with the formation of the cardiovascular system, larynx, trachea, liver and pancreas are laid.

At the end of the sixth week, the end of the neural tube closes. Bones begin to be replaced with cartilage. The nose, eyes, jaws, inner ear are formed.

The brain develops actively in the seventh week. In two months of pregnancy the fetus already has a length of 2.5-3 cm in length. His face already acquires some features, facial expressions develop. The stomach of the fetus produces gastric juice, the kidneys function, the neck and joints are formed. Now this is no longer an embryo, but a fruit.

Sex in the second month of pregnancy

If we talk about sex in the second month of pregnancy, it should be noted that the changed overall state of women is not particularly beneficial to her sexual activity. But, if in the first 2 months of pregnancy she has such desires, then sex is possible, but in the absence of contraindications.

Doctors advise to abstain from sexual activity if the uterus is in a tonus, and there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. In any case, sex at this time should be quite cautious: without sudden movements and deep penetrations. A man should try to show special affection and tenderness towards a future mother.

If a woman is not yet ready for sex, then her partner should wait a little. After all, when the unpleasant manifestations of the onset of pregnancy are left behind, the female libido will manifest itself in a double volume.