Symptoms of appendicitis in children

Among all surgical operations of childhood, the palm tree belongs to the removal of an inflamed appendix.

At the same time, the disease of the worm-like process is practically not found in children younger than two years of age. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the digestive tract and the diet. Symptoms of acute appendicitis in children are more often manifested in 9-12 years. And the peak of the disease falls on 15-18 years.

At the same time, the inflammation of the appendix is ​​especially dangerous for children. The main reason lies in the rapid development of inflammation and the complexity of diagnosing the disease. If the time does not reveal an insidious disease, it threatens peritonitis, sepsis, intestinal obstruction, etc.

What are the symptoms of appendicitis in children?

The development of the picture of the disease depends on the age of the baby, the localization of the inflammatory process and the stage of the disease. Let us single out the most characteristic manifestations of the disease:

These symptoms of appendicitis in children occur with its typical location. But there are cases when the localization of pain may seem like a manifestation of a completely different disease.

For example, if the appendix is ​​located behind the cecum, the child will feel acute pain in the groin area. If pelvic localization - the pain will be felt in the lower abdomen. When the patient is placed under the bake, pain is given to the liver region.

If you have doubts about the nature of the baby's illness - ask him to cough loudly. With inflammation of appendicitis, the pain will intensify. Also, acute pain will be felt when turning on the left side in a supine position. Simultaneously with this, the pain will decrease when the legs are pulled up to the trunk.

Symptoms of appendicitis in young children

If the child is too small to clearly explain what concerns it, you can try to determine the first symptoms of appendicitis in children by some indirect signs.

The kid will restlessly behave and try to curl up on his right side. At the same time, he can press his legs and try to move at a minimum - this pose will be a little more acute pain. Typically, young children are opposed to the examination of the tummy.

Occurs among children and chronic appendicitis. His treatment is also carried out in an operative way. Symptoms of chronic appendicitis in children are recurrent paroxysmal pain. It is often confused with features of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, there are many signs of acute appendicitis, but with a lesser degree of intensity.

The most important task for parents is to identify the disease in a timely manner and call for an emergency medical care. Do not hurry to refuse hospitalization if the pain has a little calmed down, but the doctor does not exclude an inflammation of an appendicitis.

Sometimes the apparent signs of appendicitis are a manifestation of other, no less dangerous diseases. Such as diseases of the digestive tract ( dententria , gastroenteritis , etc.), infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles) or inflammation of the genitourinary tract.

While waiting for the doctor, you can give the child slightly sweetened water, but you can not feed him. Categorically excluded heat to the abdominal region.

Also, do not give laxatives or put enemas. Such actions can only accelerate the course of the disease.

Further treatment depends on the condition of the child. As a rule, a surgical operation is performed. Laparoscopic appendectomy is becoming increasingly popular. In the normal course of the recovery period, the child can be discharged after a week with the appointment of a proper diet.